| - File:Volume I Icon Light.png Resolve Maesters' Split File:Volume I Icon Light.png Investigate Starry Sept File:Volume II Icon Light.png Thwart Superstitious Cult (Night) File:Volume III Icon Light.png Stop Black Pox Outbreak File:Volume IV Icon Light.png Investigate Daring Thefts File:Volume IV Icon.png Lead Oldtown Trade Guild
- A suburb of New Pavis
* Also known as the Adventurer's or Tourist Quarter.
* The local street gang is called the Deadheads
* Shops include:
* The Magic Needle
* Inns and taverns include:
* Geo's New Pavis Inn
* Gimpy's
* Jareen's
* Loud Lilina's
* Moonlighter's
* Nan's Breadbox
* Silibar's Fancies
* Stables include:
* All Riders Stable Source: Pavis and Big Rubble, Pavis: Gateway to Adventure
- Samwell Tarly of the Night's Watch is sent there in A Feast for Crows by Lord Commander Jon Snow, so that Sam can become the Wall's next maester. The prologue of A Feast for Crows is from the POV of Pate, a maester in training and resident of Oldtown.
- Oldtown is the oldest and the biggest port city in Westeros. It is the seat of House Hightower and the Order of Maesters.
- A recent settlement in the northern ruins of winnipeg, Oldtown is the appropriately named raider camp. Once the original site of The Peg, Oldtown now swims in its wake, feeding on the travlers and scavengers.
- The area first settled, Oldtown, is generally comprised of brick or stone buildings and rowhouses. Technically, Oldtown is San Andreas, however the name is generally used to describe the metropolitan area and, as most people identify the metro area with Hightown, the appellation has effectively embedded itself. Individuals with at least 1 rank in streetwise know that Voodoo USA holds turf in Oldtown. Any building not specifically labelled can safely be assumed to be residential space, either single homes, apartments, or other living arrangements.
- Oldtown is the second largest city in the Seven Kingdoms, and by far the oldest major city in Westeros, dating back to the time of the First Men. It is located in the far southwest of the continent, at the mouth of the River Honeywine where it opens into Whispering Sound and the Sunset Sea beyond. The major highway known as the Roseroad begins at Oldtown, then runs northeast past Highgarden before finally reaching King's Landing on the east coast. The Searoad also forks off from the Roseroad at Highgarden, going northwest so travelers from Oldtown can reach Lannisport.
- The Oldtown é uma desorganização sem fins lucrativos (até o presente momento). Surgimos como uma união de usuários de fóruns de internet que possuem um traço em comum: Um passado manchado por um vício. Alguns outros usuários possuem outros traços em comum. Guardian, junto com Kirkwood e Huats, criaram The Oldtown Forum. O fórum está atualmente na sua quinta edição, sem contar fóruns relacionados paralelos. O quarto fórum, administrado por Paula Tejano, morreu recentemente e então foi criado o Newot.
- Oldtown is a city on the southwest coast of Westeros. Maesters are trained there, at the Citadel. Its drinking establishments include the Quill And Tankard and the Checkered Hazard. Its streets are winding, labyrinthine, and treacherous, but they are all cobbled, and its buildings are made of stone. It contains a number of septs, whose bells ring at sunrise--the Sailor's Sept, The Lord's Sept, the Seven Shrines, and the Starry Sept.