He was a head taller than Elayne. He had the same red-gold hair as his mother and sister. He also shared Elayne's oval face.
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| - Gawyn Trakand
- Gawyn Trakand
- Gawyn Trakand
| - Gawyn ist einen Kopf größer als Elayne und etwas älter. Er hat das gleiche rotblonde Haar und die gleichen blauen Augen. Gawyn ist der ältere Bruder von Elayne. Sein Halbbruder ist Galad; sie haben den gleichen Vater. Seine Eltern sind Morgase Trakand und Taringail Damodred. Gawyn soll Elaynes Erster Prinz des Schwertes werden, wenn sie den Thron besteigt. Der Tradition Andors entsprechend wird er mit ihr zusammen nach Tar Valon geschickt, um dort von den Behütern zu lernen. Er nimmt seine Aufgabe sehr ernst.
- He was a head taller than Elayne. He had the same red-gold hair as his mother and sister. He also shared Elayne's oval face.
- Gawyn Trakand è uno dei personaggi della saga fantasy La Ruota del Tempo dello scrittore statunitense Robert Jordan. Gawyn è il figlio della regina di Andor, Morgase, fratello dell'erede al trono, Elayne e fratellastro di Galad Damodred.
- At the beginning of The Fires of Heaven, Gawyn is at the White Tower, in command of the Younglings, and skirmishing with the Whitecloaks. At the beginning of A Crown of Swords, Gawyn has just escaped from Dumai's Wells with his Younglings. He still believes that Rand killed his mother. At the beginning of Crossroads of Twilight, Gawyn and the rest of the Younglings are in the village of Dorlan, east of Tar Valon and separated from it by the rebel Aes Sedai army.
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| - First Prince of the Sword
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| - Gawyn ist einen Kopf größer als Elayne und etwas älter. Er hat das gleiche rotblonde Haar und die gleichen blauen Augen. Gawyn ist der ältere Bruder von Elayne. Sein Halbbruder ist Galad; sie haben den gleichen Vater. Seine Eltern sind Morgase Trakand und Taringail Damodred. Gawyn soll Elaynes Erster Prinz des Schwertes werden, wenn sie den Thron besteigt. Der Tradition Andors entsprechend wird er mit ihr zusammen nach Tar Valon geschickt, um dort von den Behütern zu lernen. Er nimmt seine Aufgabe sehr ernst.
- He was a head taller than Elayne. He had the same red-gold hair as his mother and sister. He also shared Elayne's oval face.
- Gawyn Trakand è uno dei personaggi della saga fantasy La Ruota del Tempo dello scrittore statunitense Robert Jordan. Gawyn è il figlio della regina di Andor, Morgase, fratello dell'erede al trono, Elayne e fratellastro di Galad Damodred.
- At the beginning of The Fires of Heaven, Gawyn is at the White Tower, in command of the Younglings, and skirmishing with the Whitecloaks. At the beginning of A Crown of Swords, Gawyn has just escaped from Dumai's Wells with his Younglings. He still believes that Rand killed his mother. At the beginning of Crossroads of Twilight, Gawyn and the rest of the Younglings are in the village of Dorlan, east of Tar Valon and separated from it by the rebel Aes Sedai army.
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