| - There are two types of duel, one which is considered a "normal duel" and one "to death", in which one of the duelers will certainly die. Both will negatively affect the relationship between both of the sims. In addition, sims can also spar, which will, on the other hand, boost the relationship between the fighters. When dueling begins, both fighters will change into their armor and draw their swords. In the upper left corner of the screen will appear both of the sims' health and stamina. The fighting stance sets the balance between attack and defense, and is selectable under the sim's portrait.
| - There are two types of duel, one which is considered a "normal duel" and one "to death", in which one of the duelers will certainly die. Both will negatively affect the relationship between both of the sims. In addition, sims can also spar, which will, on the other hand, boost the relationship between the fighters. When dueling begins, both fighters will change into their armor and draw their swords. In the upper left corner of the screen will appear both of the sims' health and stamina. Although attack and defense are automatic, there are some actions that the player can take part in: the fighting stance and special moves. The fighting stance sets the balance between attack and defense, and is selectable under the sim's portrait. Special moves are selectable when clicking on the sim's opponent. They drain stamina but will also give a good blow to the opponent, but they can also fail. Also, special moves have some cooldown (some time to wait before trying the special move again). Examples of special moves include the hilt smash, the whirling takedown, and the mortal blow. The success or failure of attacks, defenses and special moves is determined by various factors: the Sim's level, the armor he/she is wearing, the weapon he/she is carrying, the condition of said weapon (sharpened or unsharpened) and the focus level. The duel will end once one sim runs out of health or stamina. If the Sims were fighting to the death, the loser will die of their injuries. If it was a normal duel, the loser will be injured, more or less severely. Children can also duel other children. When dueling, children use toy swords, but the techniques and animations they use are identical to adults.