| - Hava Remaht was a male Bajoran born in the mid-to-late 2350s. He served in the Bajoran Militia, and later in the Federation Starfleet. In the year 2376, Corporal Hava was a security deputy serving under Lieutenant Ro Laren on Federation starbase Deep Space 9 . After station commander, Colonel Kira Nerys, was Attainted, Hava failed to treat his commanding officer with the proper respect, forcing Kira to put him in his place. (DS9 - Section 31 novel: Abyss) Hava was on duty when First Minister Shakaar Edon was assassinated on the station's Promenade.(DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Cathedral)
| - Hava Remaht was a male Bajoran born in the mid-to-late 2350s. He served in the Bajoran Militia, and later in the Federation Starfleet. In the year 2376, Corporal Hava was a security deputy serving under Lieutenant Ro Laren on Federation starbase Deep Space 9 . After station commander, Colonel Kira Nerys, was Attainted, Hava failed to treat his commanding officer with the proper respect, forcing Kira to put him in his place. (DS9 - Section 31 novel: Abyss) Hava was on duty when First Minister Shakaar Edon was assassinated on the station's Promenade.(DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Cathedral) After Bajor joined the Federation in September 2376, Hava became a member of Starfleet when most of the Militia was absorbed into the service. In December 2385, Crewman Hava continued to serve in the security division, and was part of the crew rotation posted to Security Outpost Endalla One on Bajor's moon Endalla. (DS9 novel: Sacraments of Fire)