| - Back when the Europeans split up, French people spoke Latin. Then, they discovered a plant. This plant was very addictive to the French people, but slurred their speech, causing them to frequenty say such weird sounds as "wah" and not pronounce the "s" at the end of (even plural) words. French people, mostly adults and delinquents, consumed this plant in the form of drinks, made from the roots. Their children tried to imitate their parents' slurred speech, and created bizarre spelling rules as well. They never got to hear Latin the way it was supposed to be said. They passed the language onto THEIR children. As a result, French was born.
- The French are a nation in Rise of Nations. They have the Power of Leadership.
- French are monsters who inhabitat the world, especially in this place where almostall french live. These people are known to have golden yellow hair and fat butts.
- An exotic visitor sparks mixed reactions in the firehouse; Tommy deals with possible expulsion from the FDNY and a new sponsorship role in AA; Mike and the guys renovate their new bar; Sheila learns that being a big sister is not always easy.
- French is a Captain.
- French is a Western Romance language.
- Darren Hayman first made a name for himself as the lead singer and main songwriter in UK indie rock band Hefner, who were big favourites of the late John Peel. Peel continued his interest in Darren's work with The French, who performed two sessions for his show, including one with covers of TV themes.
- Comment allez-vous is how are you J'aime Cartoon Network is I love Cartoon Network Supplementaires is extra
- The word "French" describes anything that comes from France
- French is one of the modern languages. It is spoken in many countries e.g France, Morocco.
- French is a language that was spoken widely in France and some parts of Canada in the 21st century. In the year 3000, French is a dead language. The Universal Translator translates words into "incomprehensible gibberish!" which is actually French.
- The French came up with covering lettuce heads a few days before harvest so they turn white. The French hold American cooks at low esteem because we buy croutons.
- the bannana crossed the hi
- The demographic of French-speaking Rock Band fans is relatively small in comparison to others such as and , however it does exist. Most gaming consoles can be toggled to play most of the newer games (Including The Beatles: Rock Band up to Rock Band 3) in French.
- volcanologue (vulcanologist) pourtour (circumference) Jupiter (Jupiter) acronyme (acronym) intraduisible (untranslatable) Humanoid (Humanoid) break (break) Parigot (Parisian) Sydeny (Sydney) cuir chevelu (scalp) tatoueur (tattooist) Equateur (Ecuador)
- The term French refers to anything originating from the Earth nation-state of France, including its people, as well as the French language. In the city of New Orleans, a section of the city, originally settled by the French, is referred to as the French Quarter. (DS9 episode: "The Visitor")
- The French people represent France, a playable civilization in the Civilization, Colonization, and Call to Power games. Their capital is Paris, and they are usually led by Napoleon.
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- French is one of the language courses available at Whateley Academy.
- These are the people that populate a small country named "le France". The income is low in this town unless they are lucky enough to be an arse in which they are employed by arseanal. The remaining population create fries. Should you ever be unfortunate enough to find yourself in this small country of "le France", repeat this phrase: Je ne veux pas être ici, je veux revenir en arrière dans l'arbre!
- French phonology is very regular, even though it doesn't seem so at the first sight. You'll need to get used to different rules and one letter resulting in two or three sounds, depending on its surroundings, but once you get them, you are fine. These rules apply nearly everywhere, unlike in English.
- This is the first episode of PLWTR in french. Il est juste une journée normale de Bikini Bottom. Tout le monde en ville est heureux parce qu'ils sont au Krusty Krab manger Krabby galettes. Au moins, tout le monde sauf plancton. Le seau de CHUM PLANKTON: Il est pas juste !!! Krabs gagne toujours et je perds toujours !!! KAREN: Peut-être que si vous avez essayé, vous ne serait pas autant d'un échec. Habituellement, vous allez dans la Flying Blind Krusty Krab! Si vous aviez des caméras de sécurité à l'intérieur du bâtiment, vous pourriez faire plus de A-. KAREN: Et qui est ...? Écran éteint.
- French is the Leaving certificate's most commonly undertaken foreign language, assuming Irish can be excluded. It is optional, although the LCVP requires a recognized modern European language to be taken. French is available at higher-level and ordinary-level and is examined through 3 tests; an oral exam in April and a written paper followed by an aural exam in June.
- French is a language descended from the Latin language of the Roman Empire, its development also influenced by the native Celtic languages of Roman Gaul and by the Germanic language of the post-Roman Frankish invaders. One of the major languages of Earth, it was nevertheless banned from use by the United Powers League in the 23rd century, English being designated as the common language of the planet. However, even two centuries later, the language can be found in minor use by the United Earth Directorate's citizens, such as Gerard DuGalle.
- French is a language. They speak French in the whole of France and part of Belgium, part of Switzerland. French is also spoken in French speaking Canada and other places. French is an important second language in former French colonies notably in Africa. French can also refer to anything connected with France, notably French fashion, French cookery (cuisine), etc. etc. There are of course also the French people. French fries are what the British people call chips. George W. Bush also known as Dubya decided to call them Freeedomm fries because the French didn't agree with him over Iraq.
- French came about some time before 1572. French was spoken by the mob of bloodthirsty lunatics who killed a bunch of people on St. Bartholomew's Day. Later, Madame de Pompadour and her cuck husband spoke French, in between having sex with aliens and horses. Mickey Smith was, at this time (sorta), visibly horrified to discover that the TARDIS was making him speak French. Sometime after that, French was spoken during the Reign of Terror. When given the choice of going to the guillotine or surviving and hearing more people speak French, Susan Foreman decided to give up her head.
- Howard, Sheldon and Raj all can speak French, or can use phrases of French origin. On the contrary, Stuart does not like others to do so to him, and probably cannot understand French.
* In The "Pilot", Howard greets Penny with "Enchanté, mademoiselle" (Nice to meet you, miss), and wishes her "Bonne douche" (good shower).
* In "The Dumpling Paradox" (S1E07), Howard greets Christy Vanderbel with "Bonjour, mademoiselle" (Goodday, miss).
* In "The Loobenfeld Decay" (S1E10), it is shown that Toby Loobenfeld can also use French phrases: (Leonard enters the kitchen to find Toby) Toby: Morning. Leonard: Who are you? Toby: I am Sheldon's cousin Leo. Leonard: Oh, god! Sheldon does not have a cousin Leo. Toby: Au contraire (on the contrary). I'm 26 years old, ...
* H
- The term French is used to refer to anything that comes from France, and is notable to be the source of an intense hatred by Al Bundy. Al has claimed that this is because "They won't let us fly our planes over their country, they look down on Americans, but when there is a war they come hat in hand begging, and then calling us savage." Al also claims that feminism originated from France, and used the term French in one of his nine commandments, stating: "it is wrong to be French." (MWC: "The Legend of Ironhead Haynes") Al's hatred of the French knows practically no boundaries or borders, as in England he also rants about the enemy across the water. Another powerful example of Al's contempt for the French is when he notices instructions in the French language on a brochure and attempts to r
- The term French referred to anything from the nation-state of France, including its people, as well as the French language. A section of New Orleans, originally settled by the French, was referred to as the French Quarter. (DS9: "The Visitor") According to Captain Picard, the French flag consisted of the colors in the order of blue, white, and red. (TNG: "The Last Outpost" ) Q appeared to the crew of the USS Enterprise-D as a Marshal of France in 2364. (TNG: "Hide and Q" ) Rex gave Lwaxana Troi a French beverage when she met him on the holodeck. (TNG: "Manhunt" )
- Jobs in pre-1800 European Literature, 2016-2017 Jobs in French, 2008-2009 Scroll to the bottom for format guidelines & useful information. Wiki counter Please bump up the appropriate category by 1, or add a new category and set it to 1. 1. Adelphi U, 19th/20th c. lit., Francophone lit./culture -Position no longer shows on their HR website. -Rejection letter 01/26 2. Albright College, open - acknowledged app received, 11/19 (by mail) - MLA interview scheduled via email 12/6 3. Auburn U, generalist 4. Bryn Mawr, 18th century - acknowledged app received, 11/7 (by mail) 9. Colby College