| - Created by Craig Zobel and Matt Chapman (of Homestar Runner fame), Ron Planet is a webcomic that takes place circa 2040. It centers on Ron Planet, the last astronaut on Earth, and his lame life (i.e., cleaning up vomit in space). However, everything changes when a now dirt-poor NASA approaches him to solve a problem related to microwave popcorn. This webcomic provides examples of:
* Adult Child: Blonde Hair and Red Hair
* Anti-Hero: Ron is a Type II; all the other important characters fall under Type I.
* Berserk Button: Mentioning Tang around Dr. Eggleston
* Character Title
* The Chew Toy: Ron.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Blonde Hair and Red Hair.
* Crapsack World: The most realistic one ever.
* Deadpan Snarker: Ron
* Determinator: Sidecar
* Don't Explain the Joke: "Ron Planet Astronauting: 'Cause planets are in space!"
* "Those were the names of some famous satellites"
* Everything's Better with Monkeys: While there's technically no actual monkey, the concept art features a huge gorilla...and claims that the word, gorilla, can be used as an adjective.
* Greek Chorus: Blonde Hair and Red Hair
* He Knows Too Much: Ron's theory on how the moon people feel about Eggleston.
* How the Mighty Have Fallen:
* All astronauts; once space travel became too common, the once-romanticized career became a joke.
* NASA itself has been reduced to one guy and two on-loan government agents.
* In-Series Nickname: Carlos, aka "Sidecar".
* Jaded Washout: Ron fits all the criteria, with the exception of laziness.
* Jumped At the Call: Sidecar.
* Meaningful Name: "'Cause planets are in space!"
* Ms. Exposition: The old lady who explains the strip's concept of an astronaut to the little boy.
* Only Sane Man: While definitely not normal , Ron seems to have a much better grasp on the world around him than his colleagues.
* Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Seems to be going in this direction
* Refusal of the Call: Ron.
* Schedule Slip
* Self-Deprecation: Ron, sometimes.
* Squeaky Eyes: Dr. Eggleston. His blinks are audible.
* Twenty Minutes Into the Future
* What Could Have Been: It was originally going to be a movie, and came this close to being produced; then, the financiers backed out, so Matt and Craig decided to revive it as a webcomic...in the hopes that it gets popular enough to do the movie after all.
* X Meets Y: Space Cowboys meets Invader Zim meets Homestar Runner.