Note: If you have a free account you may only have two items in the queue per base, as opposed to an upgraded account where it is possible to have five items in queue at maximum. Version 2.0 allows queues of 12 for upgraded players. Production Queues deduct the ships cost amount immediately from your bank total, therefor it is impossible to queue more ships than you could buy all at once. Cancelling queued ship orders costs 8% of the order price. Goods are considered a production item, and are queued just like ships.
Note: If you have a free account you may only have two items in the queue per base, as opposed to an upgraded account where it is possible to have five items in queue at maximum. Version 2.0 allows queues of 12 for upgraded players. Construction, Defense, and Research Queues allow entries in excess of the amount you have in your bank. These queued orders can be cancelled without cost until they are begun. There is no limit on the cost amount for these queues, but individual orders will not begin until you have enough cash to pay for them. It is unclear how AE determines the priority for these orders, thus if you have two or more orders within your bank balance one will begin and the rest will be on hold, and you probably cannot predict which will go first. Production Queues deduct the ships cost amount immediately from your bank total, therefor it is impossible to queue more ships than you could buy all at once. Cancelling queued ship orders costs 8% of the order price. Goods are considered a production item, and are queued just like ships.