| - Super Dodge Ball, originally released in Japan as Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgdeball Bu ("Nekketsu High School Dodgeball Club", part of the Kunio-kun series), is a video game based on dodgeball developed by Technos Japan Corp. which was originally released for the arcade in 1987. The rules of the game only vaguely resemble the traditional version of the sports itself. Two rival teams of six or seven members each (the number varies between versions) must compete in a volleyball-like court, throwing a dodgeball at each other, until the members of one team's inner court are all eliminated. Each team has three or four team members in their side of the inner court and three members in the opposite side of the outer court. In the original arcade game, the player takes control of the American team (or the Japanese team, depending on the version) as they face off against the rival national team, and then five rival teams from different nationalities (England, Iceland, China, Kenya, and Japan/America). The play mechanics in the arcade are simple, with the captain being the only member of the player's team to possess a power shots. Most of the characters can be eliminated with two or three well delivered running or jumping shots, but all of the CPU teams in the arcade version have backup members that will replace their teammates when they're eliminated. Super Dodge Ball was ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. While the graphics are downgraded, the sprites are different (everyone is the same size and a head-swap of each other) and the maximum number of players per team was reduced from seven to six, it also gave each team member (not just captains) two power shots instead of just one, as well as individual health gauge and full stats. There was also a PC Engine which combined the graphics and format of the arcade version with some of features from the NES version, while adding an all new Quest Mode. A Sharp X 68000 version was also released, which was a straight port of the arcade game. A Game Boy version was also released that is drastically different from all the other versions, as it replaces all the international teams with themed teams feature punks, mobsters, superheroes, pirates and ninjas. In Japan, a Super Famicom sequel was released titled Kunio-kun no Dodgeball Dayo Zen'in Shūgō, which featured even more teams than the NES version, along with fully customizable character stats, teams, and stages. It featured all the foreign teams from the Famicom version, as well as several new ones, plus various characters from the Downtown Nekketsu (River City Ransom) sub-series of Kunio games. Another sequel was released for the Neo Geo, simply titled Super Dodge Ball (or Kunio no Nekketsu Dodgeball Densetsu), which changed the rules a bit so that only each team has three members (the eliminated members are moved to the outer court) and made the Power Shots executable through Fighting Game-style commands (adding Super Move-style Power Shots that are executable only by filling out a power gauge). It's one of the most sought after Neo-Geo games ever made, as it was the last game ever produced by Technos Japan Corp. After Technos went out of business, Million (a company formed by former Technos employees) made a Spiritual Sequel, titled Bakunetsu Dodgeball Fighters. This sequel was released in America as Super Dodge Ball Advance and after their success with the game, they brought back the rights to the Kunio characters and made an "official" sequel for the DS titled Super Dodge Ball Brawlers.
- Super Dodge Ball – klasyczna gra w zbijaka prosto od Technos. Oferowała ona graczom możliwość zagrania w jakąś zjebaną dziwną wersję tej gry (w Polsce znanej jako dwa ognie). Głównym celem gry było rozwalenie piłką graczy przeciwnika, zanim on to zrobi. Gra została wydana w USA, dlatego jako główny team to właśnie oni zastępują wszechobecną w grach tej firmy Japonię.
- Super Dodge Ball(Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu in Japan) is a NES game by Technos Japan in their Kunio-kun series.