Les matériaux Purs, ou Chatoyants, sont des ingrédients utilisés pour la synthèse. Ils sont une concentration de pure énergie.
In RuneScape, he has a maxed total level of 2595 as of 25 January 2014. Pur has achieved the Trimmed Completionist cape on 6th December 2014
An opponent of Orlanth
* She appears in the myth How Orlanth Conquered the Stars
* There she was sent by the Queen of Heaven to seduce Orlanth Source: Book of Heortling Mythology
Les matériaux Purs, ou Chatoyants, sont des ingrédients utilisés pour la synthèse. Ils sont une concentration de pure énergie.
In RuneScape, he has a maxed total level of 2595 as of 25 January 2014. Pur has achieved the Trimmed Completionist cape on 6th December 2014
An opponent of Orlanth
* She appears in the myth How Orlanth Conquered the Stars
* There she was sent by the Queen of Heaven to seduce Orlanth Source: Book of Heortling Mythology