| - Reiniku (霊肉, Reiniku) is the first mate of The Roronoa Pirates and devoted lover to Roronoa D. Mikayla. Originally Reiniku was a warlord on a chain of small islands in the north blue, but he had lost his warlordship when the Marines had taken over the islands. Putting them under Government rule and protection, he was angry at this. He was given a government official positions but he was shunned when they saw his appearance. Reiniku had gone into a rebellion, as he took out those who have shunned him because of his appearance. With that earning himself a bounty of File:Bsymbol10.gif 90,000,000 for such crimes as his own rebellion against his fellow government officials, for their murders and covering up the murders. Joining the Roronoa crew and committing a series of crimes as their first mate. Joining, participating and attack on the attack on Jousai Down. With his fruit the Oni Oni no Mi, Model: Rakshasa, giving the name of the Rakshasa (羅刹, Rakshasa-sama?). With this he sets out to protect his beloved Mikayla for all of the dangers in the world and take down the ones that have shunned her, and then live in happiness at the Roronoa family’s deaths. Just recently after her battle with Roronoa Senshi. It was revealed that Mikayla and Reiniku had have a son, but sadly the child was a still born. It was believed during the battle, the baby had died. Mikayla and Reiniku now blame Senshi for this death and now only has solidify the reason why Mikayla wishes to kill Senshi and the rest of the Roronoa family. The son Roronoa D. Shironiku, who was just a few minutes old had died in her arms.