| - Seven has the power to create seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. She has seven buddy blocks.
- "Seven" is song by emo rock band Sunny Day Real Estate. It was heard in the Season Seventeen episode, "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers".
- Seven est un personnage jouable de Final Fantasy Type-0 et un des principaux protagonistes de ce jeu. Elle porte le numéro 07 dans la Classe Zéro et manie un fouet.
- Seven es una canción de Digimon Adventure. Su título puede venir del número de niños elegidos al principio del anime. La letra habla de intentar ser libre.
- Seven (o Se7en, o Setten) è uno spin-off tratto dall'ultima puntata di Seven Heaven, in cui uno psicopatico massacra la famiglia Camden e invece dell'ergastolo riceve una Medaglia al Valore per i servizi resi allo Stato.Seven è il film che ha lanciato il regista David Fincher, idraulico in cassa integrazione che fortunatamente tornerà a lidi a lui più congeniali con i successivi Fight Room, Panic Club e La curiosa vittoria di Jenson Button.
- Seven is a song by VAGIANT {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- Seven were a very short-lived visual kei band, formed on May 28, 2009.
- PirateOfThe7DealySins, commonly known as seven, is a pirate(duh!) who is still somwhat mysterious concidering that he rarely goes into detail about his past, although there are sometimes where he can be very descriptive about it.
- Seven was the child of Zemus and Ida Mae Wanker, the cousin of Peg Bundy, who appeared in 5 episodes of the seventh season of Married with Children, having been informally adopted by the Bundys.
- Seven is the Argentinian delegate to the United Nations Council of Lazy Gays.
- Seven is a song sung by the showtime band including Punchcar63. They sing a song all about the number 7. Synopsis: The song is all about the number 7. Ways to add to 7, what it looks like, how many it is, and it's shape.
- Seven(セブンSebun) is a recurring character in the Phase Shift novels, one of the Ten Sages, Yukianesa's first wielder, and a successor to the head of the Duodecim's Kisaragi household.
- The Seven were Halaster Blackcloak's seven apprentices.
- Seven is the most powerful magical number, based on centuries of mythology, science, and mathematics.
- Seven es una de los personajes jugables de Final Fantasy Type-0, y una de los protagonistas principales del juego.
- "Seven" is a Moon Man song from The Hunter. It's a parody of "Seven" by Tyler, the Creator.
- Seven was a male exile and the leader of the Sleepers gang, which reside in Vauxton.
- The number Seven (7) has a hallowed place in riddles, rhymes, scripture, and lore. As a result, it is no surprise that it is Bungie's favorite number. A number filled with meaning and history, Bungie has created its own history around it as well. As a result, speculation runs wild on theories involving the number 7 in Bungie games and at Bungie Studios. Bungie, as usual, is silent on the matter. But it is no secret that Sevens appear throughout Bungie's history. The seventh column in the Periodic Table of Elements are "Halogens".
- Seven was voiced by Sean Cullen, the voice of Four and Five.
- In Chapter 10.3.3, Seven helped Merovingian operatives targeting Ouroboros and obtained security passcodes by causing a scandelous scene at a Wright Research office. it was then made so that Wright Research's rival corporation, Pendhurst-Amaranth was to blame for the assault.
- Seven was a M.U.G.E.N creator known for creating extremely cheap character edits, including a self-insert that was an edit of Makoto. Seven passed away from terminal cancer some time during 2010-2011.
- As staff of Avaricia, Seven was often seen:
* Moderating the forums
- Seven fue un miembro de la Legión del Dragón. Se le considera un integrante de la Familia Aldrich y de la Casa Drachen.
- The State of Seven (Pennsylvanian German: Seefeneich, Russian: Севен) is one of the states of the Kingdom of Lovia. As the name suggests, there are seven islands that make up the archipelago which forms Seven. The state capital of Seven is located in Kinley. Seven has two national parks, the Bird National Park and the Mellon Wetlands National Park. These attract large numbers of tourists to visit the National Parks, and the State itself. The state has a diverse economy but it's largest industry is the Manufacturing Industry, with many factories located in Kinley and Novosevensk.
- Seven is the product of a Lab whos vision to create the perfect warrior hit a small snag, well several snags. First Models 1-6 failed horribly.Project Seven though seemed to be functioning correctly but they could only test so much in lab setting so it was decided to put him into real life conditions and see how it coped.Since the male was memory wiped regularly they decided to just dump him into the city and arrange for things to keep an eye on him and make sure he had what he needed to get by.
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- Throughout the series there are many hidden easter eggs related to the number seven:
* Spit Fyre's first flight starts on the seventh floor of the Wizard Tower.
* Septimus Heap's name means seventh.
* Septimus is the 777th ExtraOrdinary Wizard.
* Septimus a seventh son of a seventh son.
* There are seven Physikal scribes.[citation needed]
* There are seven main characters (Septimus, Jenna, Beetle, Marcia, Nicko, Snorri, and Wolf Boy).
* There are seven books in the series.
* Marcellus needed a seventh son of a seventh son to make the eternal youth potion.[citation needed]
* The seventh sons are presumably the most powerful in Magyk.
* Boy 412 (4 + 1 + 2 = 7).
* 49 chapters per book (7 * 7 = 49).
* At 1:33, the items in the book will go back in
- Seven ist ein spielbarer Charakter aus Final Fantasy Type-0 und Mitglied der Klasse 0. Auffällig sind ihre silbernen Haare sowie ihre besondere Waffe, eine Kombination aus Schwert und Peitsche. Mit ihr kann sie auch weit entfernte Gegner zu sich heranziehen. Seven trägt die Mitgliedschaftsnummer 07. Im Alter von acht Jahren wurde Seven an der Akademie aufgenommen und ausgebildet. Sie scheint wortkarg und kühl, ist aber in Wirklichkeit fürsorglich und vertrauenswürdig. Anstatt lange Diskussionen zu führen, lässt sie lieber ihre Taten sprechen, doch eine Bitte kann sie niemandem abschlagen.
- This story's theme is Albino Sunburned Girl by Ween. WARNING: Although there is already a disclaimer at the top of this page, it should be noted that this story contains particularly graphic imagery, even when compared to other stories in the collection. This story is not intended for immature audiences and reader discretion should be practiced. Her name was Kushami, and she was being passed around a group of boys she did not know as if she were the collection plate at a large church. “See you around, babe,” he said, pulling up his pants. “Do you need to eat that much?” he said back to her. “Who?”
- Japanese Lyrics: Oh Seven Try To Be Free Oh Seven Try To Be Free 少し変わった 景色の中で 特別じゃない 強さを知った いつか見た夢 どこかで感じた声 嘘じゃない 全てを受けとめ このまま このまま 続くのだろう 戻りたい キモチのままで 泣いたって 笑ったって 変わらないことがある だけど 信じた手と手を つないで歩いてく 何だって 出来るように なれるよ時の中で だから 信じた手と手を つないで歩いてく Oh Seven Try To Be Free Oh Seven Try To Be Free 寂しさに似た 不思議なキモチ とまどいながら 流れるように 想い出すように 遠くを見つめたまま ちいっぽけな勇気 にぎりしめ このまま このまま 続けるのさ 帰りたい キモチのままで 泣いたって 笑ったって 変わらないことがある だけど 信じた手と手を つないで歩いてく 何だって 出来るように なれるよ時の中で だから 信じた手と手を つないで歩いてく Oh Seven Try To Be Free Oh Seven Try To Be Free Oh Seven Try To Be Free Oh Seven Try To Be Free Romaji Lyrics: English Lyrics:
- The number seven (7) primarily symbolizes completion, or wholeness, but also covenant between God and Man, Higher and Lower. It is the day God rested, (the Sabbath being the sign of the Covenant with Adam), when he saw that all was functional - 'good.' Complete. The seven colors of the rainbow are a sign of the Covenant between God and Noah after the Flood, while the seven Sacraments are the Covenant made with the Church.
- A child prodigy, Seven solved his first crime when he was 8, and became obssessed with learning the history of the world. His first encounter with the Dice Pirates placed them on opposing sides. Believeing them to posses an important artifact, he boarded their ship and stole the item. Another run in resulted in a brief battle with Dice, Kifer and Common. However, he easily disarmed them and was able to escape. Soon, Seven discovered the item he had stolen was not a special artifact, yet kept it anyway for "Financial opportunities." Soon afterwards, he found out about a real artifact of a long extinct tribe and resolved to take it. However, the artifact was in the possesion of the Cacconea Family. Realizing the threat, he and the Dice Pirates joined forces. After the battle, Dice offered hi
- Seven a large black numeral shaped like a "7", living in Mainframe. Seven is male and usually wastes his time away in Al's Diner. Although well-meaning, he has rather poor social-skills, outwardly appearing to be very disgruntled, growling at complete strangers. He apparently has a huge appetite for exotic foods, once seen eating an egg with his long tongue. He also featured in an eating-related joke told by Toque, "Why is everyone afraid of Seven. Because 7 8 9 (Seven ate Nine)". (The Quick and the Fed)