| - In diesem FAQ sollen einige Fragen beantwortet werden, die sich Nutzer und Autoren stellen könnten. Wenn Du Deine Frage vermisst, kannst Du sie einfach auf der Diskussionsseite stellen.
- This FAQ is to answer questions about the Dofus Wikia. 1.
* What is Dofus? Dofus is a 2-D turn-based MMORPG. For more information on the game, read the regular FAQ. 2.
* What is a Wikia? Wikia is an online database set up in a way that anyone can edit any page! For more information, see the main Wikia page at Wikia homepage. 3.
* I want to help! How do I get started? If you are familiar with the MediaWiki formatting, jump right in! If you aren't, read the page Help:Editing. 4.
* The information on a page is wrong? Who do I contact to fix it?? Anyone can edit any page, so you can fix it yourself! To learn more about editing pages, read the page Help:Editing. However, if you are unsure on how to do this, you can ask for help on the Chat, Forum or message Grave
| - This FAQ is to answer questions about the Dofus Wikia. 1.
* What is Dofus? Dofus is a 2-D turn-based MMORPG. For more information on the game, read the regular FAQ. 2.
* What is a Wikia? Wikia is an online database set up in a way that anyone can edit any page! For more information, see the main Wikia page at Wikia homepage. 3.
* I want to help! How do I get started? If you are familiar with the MediaWiki formatting, jump right in! If you aren't, read the page Help:Editing. 4.
* The information on a page is wrong? Who do I contact to fix it?? Anyone can edit any page, so you can fix it yourself! To learn more about editing pages, read the page Help:Editing. However, if you are unsure on how to do this, you can ask for help on the Chat, Forum or message Gravestorm or Revil-Nunor for further assistance. 5.
* All of these articles are in English! Why can't I put French writing into the articles? It's a French game, after all. Those are all very good points, but this is the English Wikia. If you are interested in setting up a Wikia for Dofus in another language, see this page (Note, many Wiki's in other languages are already made, you can check the languages available on this page's top-right box, or at the very bottom). 6.
* Where is the amulet of Arbbajal? How do I find a Black Tofu? Ah, those are game questions. If your question relates to a popular item or quest, check out the articles on items and quests. If you still can't find your answer, try the Forum, where you can ask questions, and other helpful editors will answer them in time. 7.
* Can I post information about what is in my shop? Nope. Sorry, if everyone posted that information, we'd be bogged down. This wikicity is only for the sharing of generic information about the gameplay. However, many online forums allow you to post this information. See our collection of External links. 8.
* My character is awesome! Can I make an article about him/her, or put his/her details in the article on Sram? No, again, if everyone were to post their character information, we'd have a hard time finding useful information. However, you can put personal info on your own User Page.
- In diesem FAQ sollen einige Fragen beantwortet werden, die sich Nutzer und Autoren stellen könnten. Wenn Du Deine Frage vermisst, kannst Du sie einfach auf der Diskussionsseite stellen.