| - As the Jupiter 2 continues through space, they pick up an alien SOS. Dr. Smith insists on answering and is told a colony of androids is in dire need of medical help. Smith doesn’t really care until the androids offer riches in return for assistance, and then he decides that he will bravely go to their rescue. Will and the Robot protest this idea since Smith is not actually a real medical doctor, but he won’t listen. Later that night, Smith attempts to steal the space pod to sneak down to see the androids. The Robot tries to stop him, and the pod ends up launching with them both inside. Smith docks the pod at the large alien ship, and the androids are there to greet him. They tell him his patient is their leader, who turns out to be a giant computer. Smith gets confused and frightened, saying he really doesn’t know how to fix a sick computer, and he is told that if he fails and their leader dies, Smith will die too. Back on the Jupiter 2, the Robinsons realize Smith and the Robot are missing. Will explains about the signal that was picked up earlier, and deduces that Smith may have stolen the space pod to go down to the alien ship. The Robinsons track the pod’s course in the hopes of rescuing their missing companions. They eventually dock with the alien ship as well, and Don and John get out to look around. They are very quickly captured and imprisoned by the androids. Dr. Smith chickens out and refuses to perform the operation and attempts to run away. The androids catch him and lock him up with John and Don. Shortly afterwards, the androids discover that the Robot went to medical school and has the ability to perform the operation himself. The Robot refuses to do so as he believes the computer is evil and, if cured, will take over the universe. When the Robot continues to refuse to help, the androids kidnap Will, threatening to harm him if the Robot does not comply. Fearing for his friends, the Robot gives in and operates on the alien computer. As he does so, John, Don, Smith and Will manage to escape from their jail cell. As they are doing so, an android guard catches them and kills John. Will uses a device the guard wears around his neck to “bend back time” and bring his father back to life. Dr. Smith thinks the time device is useful and fools around with it, accidently turning himself into a nine year old boy. The men meet up with the Robot, who has now finished the operation and brought the alien computer back to health. Grateful for the Robot’s help, and changed by his close brush with death, the computer mends his evil ways and abandons his plot to conquer the universe. He changes Smith back to his regular age, and allows the Robinsons to go free. The Jupiter 2 departs, leaving the androids and their computer behind to make a new, peaceful life for themselves.