Could Mäöres () become a UWN nation? --OosWesThoesBes 25 decembrie 2007 13:15 (UTC) I like the idea :-) Martin? 27 decembrie 2007 07:55 (UTC) But what language is it? -- PetruD mesaj 27 decembrie 2007 10:31 (UTC) Limburgish. --Oos Wes Ilava (Bès) 27 decembrie 2007 11:21 (UTC) Yup! Why not? --Mocu 6 ianuarie 2008 16:14 (UTC)
Could Mäöres () become a UWN nation? --OosWesThoesBes 25 decembrie 2007 13:15 (UTC) I like the idea :-) Martin? 27 decembrie 2007 07:55 (UTC) But what language is it? -- PetruD mesaj 27 decembrie 2007 10:31 (UTC) Limburgish. --Oos Wes Ilava (Bès) 27 decembrie 2007 11:21 (UTC) Yup! Why not? --Mocu 6 ianuarie 2008 16:14 (UTC) It shouldn't be a problem now, joining the UWN. But I'm afraid that this one will get inactive too, like the Italian and Aeres ones :-|.. but from my part, you may access. Alexandru dp. 8 ianuarie 2008 15:41 (UTC) First of all I would like to kick out (sorry fo my words 20px) Vreêland, because it's inactive and not in use. The UWN must only contain active wikias. And Mäöres is a good idea. 9 ianuarie 2008 15:43 (UTC) :) I (hope to/'ll) remain active and I speak Limburgish native so no problems. --Oos Wes Ilava (Bès) 11 ianuarie 2008 14:17 (UTC) Just visited Mäöres and to me it looks like a warzone. I guess, if you would give the different pages a better look you might attract more visitors. I am prepared to help a bit. As I do not speak your language, I would upload some images related to some parks if someone adds the text in Limburgish. What about this proposal ? Lars 8 februarie 2008 09:44 (UTC) I think help is always wanted, but I don't decide that; I just wanted to say that the average of images per article is higher then on Wikistad or RoWikicity. 8 februarie 2008 18:23 (UTC)