In 2013, Nickelodeon announced that it would produce a spin-off to Dora the Explorer titled Dora and Friends: Into the City! The series stars Dora, now a very beautiful tween, who goes on city adventures with a group of five new friends. The series has been picked up for 20 episodes and had its prime-time premiere on Nickelodeon on August 18, 2014. The "new friends" as well as Dora's tween look were introduced in 2009. The characters include Kate, Naiya, Alana, Emma and Pablo alongside the tween Dora.
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| - In 2013, Nickelodeon announced that it would produce a spin-off to Dora the Explorer titled Dora and Friends: Into the City! The series stars Dora, now a very beautiful tween, who goes on city adventures with a group of five new friends. The series has been picked up for 20 episodes and had its prime-time premiere on Nickelodeon on August 18, 2014. The "new friends" as well as Dora's tween look were introduced in 2009. The characters include Kate, Naiya, Alana, Emma and Pablo alongside the tween Dora.
- Set after the original Dora the Explorer, Dora goes to school and she lives in Playa Verde, which is a city. Together with the explorer girls and Pablo, Dora and friends work together and go on amazing adventures while discovering the secrets of their city. Dora has a magical charm bracelet and a smartphone, complete with an app version of the previous Map to aid her. Her friend Kate is fond of drama, while Emma loves music. Alana is tomboyish but loves animals, Naiya is smart and loves to read, and Pablo loves playing soccer.
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| - In 2013, Nickelodeon announced that it would produce a spin-off to Dora the Explorer titled Dora and Friends: Into the City! The series stars Dora, now a very beautiful tween, who goes on city adventures with a group of five new friends. The series has been picked up for 20 episodes and had its prime-time premiere on Nickelodeon on August 18, 2014. The "new friends" as well as Dora's tween look were introduced in 2009. The characters include Kate, Naiya, Alana, Emma and Pablo alongside the tween Dora.
- Set after the original Dora the Explorer, Dora goes to school and she lives in Playa Verde, which is a city. Together with the explorer girls and Pablo, Dora and friends work together and go on amazing adventures while discovering the secrets of their city. Dora has a magical charm bracelet and a smartphone, complete with an app version of the previous Map to aid her. Her friend Kate is fond of drama, while Emma loves music. Alana is tomboyish but loves animals, Naiya is smart and loves to read, and Pablo loves playing soccer. The characters are all bilingual and speak Spanish in addition to English. However, the Spanish curriculum on Dora and Friends has been expanded to using simple phrases and commands as opposed to solely the single Spanish words used on the previous Dora the Explorer show.