False Consciousness is a psy technique used to combat unwanted mind reading.
False consciousness is a term from Marxist theory for a process in capitalism where the working class is misled by the capitalist classes about the processes that lead to class stratification and oppression. In a feminist context it is used by analogy: a woman with "false consciousness" is a woman who has been misled by the patriarchy/kyriarchy as to the source of her experiences as a woman. Generally it implies that feminism, specifically the feminism of her critic, would provide a more accurate analysis of her experiences than her own.
False consciousness is a term from Marxist theory for a process in capitalism where the working class is misled by the capitalist classes about the processes that lead to class stratification and oppression. In a feminist context it is used by analogy: a woman with "false consciousness" is a woman who has been misled by the patriarchy/kyriarchy as to the source of her experiences as a woman. Generally it implies that feminism, specifically the feminism of her critic, would provide a more accurate analysis of her experiences than her own. Examples of false consciousness accusations might include:
* insisting that a woman has experienced sexism even if she asserts she never has
* insisting that a woman's choice of clothes is dictated by the patriarchy when she regards them as a personal choice
* insisting that a woman's career was chosen because of hindrance of her real skills or potential by the patriarchy (in a geek context, this includes things like "you'd be in science or maths if it wasn't for sexism!")
False Consciousness is a psy technique used to combat unwanted mind reading.