Signet Mezzileen was a Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. He ruled over the planet of Coruscant for 70 years, and often praised it as the galaxy's "biggest little neighborhood." A spaceport on Coruscant was named after him.
Signet Mezzileen was a Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. He ruled over the planet of Coruscant for 70 years, and often praised it as the galaxy's "biggest little neighborhood." A spaceport on Coruscant was named after him.
[Source] Signet Mezzileen fut Chancelier Suprême de la République Galactique. Un spatioport de Coruscant fut nommé en son honneur.
Signet Mezzileen (120 BBY - 50 BBY) was a Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. He ruled over the planet of Coruscant for 70 years, as the powerful party boss of the Core Faction and then as mayor of the city. He had a long and illustrious career, and although he lived during a time of peace, Signet Mezzileen is remembered as a legendary Supreme Chancellor (92 BBY - 76 BBY) (18 Years--an extended term)
Signet Mezzileen a Galaktikus Köztársaság főkancellárja volt. Több mint 70 éven keresztül uralkodott a Coruscanton és gyakran nevezte azt a galaxis "Legnagyobb kis szomszédságának". A Coruscanton egy űrkikötőt neveztek el róla. Kategória:Hímneműek Kategória:Coruscantiak Kategória:Főkancellárok
Signet Mezzileen was a Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. He ruled over the planet of Coruscant for 70 years, and often praised it as the galaxy's "biggest little neighborhood." A spaceport on Coruscant was named after him.
[Source] Signet Mezzileen fut Chancelier Suprême de la République Galactique. Un spatioport de Coruscant fut nommé en son honneur.
Signet Mezzileen (120 BBY - 50 BBY) was a Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. He ruled over the planet of Coruscant for 70 years, as the powerful party boss of the Core Faction and then as mayor of the city. He had a long and illustrious career, and although he lived during a time of peace, Signet Mezzileen is remembered as a legendary Supreme Chancellor (92 BBY - 76 BBY) (18 Years--an extended term)
Signet Mezzileen a Galaktikus Köztársaság főkancellárja volt. Több mint 70 éven keresztül uralkodott a Coruscanton és gyakran nevezte azt a galaxis "Legnagyobb kis szomszédságának". A Coruscanton egy űrkikötőt neveztek el róla. Kategória:Hímneműek Kategória:Coruscantiak Kategória:Főkancellárok