| - Goblimon sind, trotz ihrer geringen Größe, sehr bösartige und gemeine Digimon, die, meist in Gruppen, andere Digimon hinterhältig überfallen. Ist der Gegner allerdings stark zeigen sie ihre große Feigheit, indem sie einfach flüchten.
- Goblimon is a Rookie Class Digimon that looks like a goblin. His skin color is green, with red hair, and brown eyes. He wears a brown sleeveless vest and shorts, and he offen carries a big club.
- Goblimon is an Evil Digimon. It has the appearance of a mischief-loving, troublesome goblin. As it has a devious personality lacking in courage, it never acts alone, and always attacks as a group concealed in buildings or the bowers of a forest. However, if they come to a disadvantage, they flee as fast as they can, scattering in all directions. Accordingly, its intelligence is only a little higher than other Rookie Digimon.