| - This volume is meant as a historical document to tell future generations about the settlement of the area to the east of Arandar. It is suggested that you read 'Exploration of the Eastern Lands' to give you grounding for this book. You will find the book is written from a third party point of view; this is in an attempt to make this literature more objective. Chapter 1 The first community. After the Elves had completed their diplomatic negotiations with the neighbouring nations, they council felt it was at last time to use the land they had secured. It was decided that as the Ogre nation to the south was unstable, that the Cadarn clan should be the first to settle the newly acquired land, as they were one of the few clans able to defend themselves. It was not long before the first Elven town in the eastern realm had grown, populated by the Cadarn clans settlers. Chapter 2 A time of peace. After the Cadarn family had secured the new realm, the other clans, seeing how much wealth was coming over Arandar were quick to join them in the new realm. This was a time of great prosperity and profit for the Elves, Gnomes and Humans alike. New trade agreements were being created with the Gnomes and Humans. Soon new Elven settlements started to be created. Chapter 3 A time of war. Although at this time the Elves, Gnomes and Humans were living in peace, to the south, the war between the Ogres and their Goblin neighbours degenerated into an attempt at genocide of all Goblin races by the Ogres. This started a mass exodus of the Goblin races, they started to emigrate to the north along the coast moving through the lands not yet settled by the Elves. Although the Goblin races were busy guarding their backs to the south and did not have the resources to start a war on two fronts, this did not stop them from forays for supplies into the Elven lands. Chapter 4 Community Within a few decades of 'The break out', the Elves had created many thriving settlements and a vast network of roads, despite the constant raiding from the Goblins. The new realm continued to thrive for many years and I hope it will for many more.
- Preface This volume is meant as a historical document to tell future generations about the settlement of the area to the east of Arandar. It is suggested that you read 'Exploration of the Eastern Lands' to give you grounding for this book. You will find the book is written from a third party point of view; this is in an attempt to make this literature more objective. Chapter 1 The first community. After the Elves had completed their diplomatic negotiations with the neighbouring nations, they council felt it was at last time to use the land they had secured. It was decided that as the Ogre nation to the south was unstable, that the Cadarn clan should be the first to settle the newly acquired land, as they were one of the few clans able to defend themselves. It was not long before the first Elven town in the eastern realm had grown, populated by the Cadarn clans settlers. Chapter 2 A time of peace. After the Cadarn family had secured the new realm, the other clans, seeing how much wealth was coming over Arandar were quick to join them in the new realm. This was a time of great prosperity and profit for the Elves, Gnomes and Humans alike. New trade agreements were being created with the Gnomes and Humans. Soon new Elven settlements started to be created. Chapter 3 A time of war. Although at this time the Elves, Gnomes and Humans were living in peace, to the south, the war between the Ogres and their Goblin neighbours degenerated into an attempt at genocide of all Goblin races by the Ogres. This started a mass exodus of the Goblin races, they started to emigrate to the north along the coast moving through the lands not yet settled by the Elves. Although the Goblin races were busy guarding their backs to the south and did not have the resources to start a war on two fronts, this did not stop them from forays for supplies into the Elven lands. Chapter 4 Community Within a few decades of 'The break out', the Elves had created many thriving settlements and a vast network of roads, despite the constant raiding from the Goblins. The new realm continued to thrive for many years and I hope it will for many more.