| - Once upon a time, before the formation of Via Lactea, there where only three living beings: Jehovah, the god of space; Chronos, the god of time; and Chaos, the god of void; they were all created by Pangu (the god of space and time)'s division. After Pangu spawned Jehovah and Chronos, what left was Chaos, the 'void', which was feared by his brothers because of his spawning habilities, so they attempted to lock him out of the dimension using their habilities, but neither time nor space could stop void. So, in an attempt to destroy Chaos, Jehovah and Chronos combined their powers, creating an energy so big that even Pangu wouldn't take with ease. The result was a gigantic explosion, which Chaos fully absorbed, momently acquiring all of the siblings' powers, generating advanced atoms on the pr
| - Once upon a time, before the formation of Via Lactea, there where only three living beings: Jehovah, the god of space; Chronos, the god of time; and Chaos, the god of void; they were all created by Pangu (the god of space and time)'s division. After Pangu spawned Jehovah and Chronos, what left was Chaos, the 'void', which was feared by his brothers because of his spawning habilities, so they attempted to lock him out of the dimension using their habilities, but neither time nor space could stop void. So, in an attempt to destroy Chaos, Jehovah and Chronos combined their powers, creating an energy so big that even Pangu wouldn't take with ease. The result was a gigantic explosion, which Chaos fully absorbed, momently acquiring all of the siblings' powers, generating advanced atoms on the process, creating the galaxies at unimaginably-fast speeds. He then started the "billion years sleep", while Jehovah and Chronos explored the possibilities of the galaxy that would be later known as Via Lactea. When Chaos woke up, he was in a strange dimension, spawned out of his body billions of years ago, "chaosrealm", a realm inhabited only by "chaospawns", after leaving the realm, the void took him straightly to a world known as Orbis Terrae, where his brothers were, he planed a revenge, but his nature made him fall in love with the chaotic nature of humans and decided to forgive Jehovah and Chronos. Chronos did not bothered any of his brothers again, but Jehovah challenged Chaos for a final fight, the result, Chaos was sealed away from the planet while Jehovah assumed his place on the human world as Deus, the omnipotent one. But Chaos later created "the bridge", which connected his own world, Chaosrealm, to Orbis Terrae, where His children (most Di and, therefore, many other races) now inhabit.