| - Mwabi-Mwabi [mwa.bi.mwa.bi] is a religion that exists mainly in the Far Southern region, by the Xyoxyo people. It is a polytheistic religion, and is very heavily centered on rituals and maintaining the ways of old, alongside one's personal path to the Gods. The chief deity is Kwenya [kwe.nja], Lord of the Floods. He brings water and soil to the desert regions, something that without, the Xyoxyo could not survive. At the start of every meal, he is allow the first and best parts of the food, which is burned.
| - Mwabi-Mwabi [mwa.bi.mwa.bi] is a religion that exists mainly in the Far Southern region, by the Xyoxyo people. It is a polytheistic religion, and is very heavily centered on rituals and maintaining the ways of old, alongside one's personal path to the Gods. The chief deity is Kwenya [kwe.nja], Lord of the Floods. He brings water and soil to the desert regions, something that without, the Xyoxyo could not survive. At the start of every meal, he is allow the first and best parts of the food, which is burned. There are countless other deities, from the Lord of the Farms, to the Lady of the Locusts, and countless ancestors to be worshipped. In a meal, ancestors are given the second portion, which is buried. There are thousands of evil spirits within the religion, including the Lady of the Locusts, though there are complex relationships between many of them. For example, the Lady of the Locusts, Pasuli [pa.su.li] is thought to bring drought and swarms of locusts, who are seen as the servants of malice. However, her presence also repels other demons, and thus she may be summoned as a last chance move against coming doom or peril. The religion has three "paths" that it believes a human can take: The Path of Malice, the Path of Apathy, and the Path of the Gods. These paths are taken by the actions of the person throughout their life.