| - Shul Torem was a Bajoran man born in (or just before) the 2310s decade. He served in the Bajoran Militia, and later in Starfleet. Shul married his wife, Aba in the year 2344. Sergeant Shul was one of the first Bajoran deputies taken on by Constable Odo after the end of the Occupation of Bajor, when the station was brought under Starfleet administration in 2369 and was designated Deep Space 9. Shul resided on the station with his wife. Shul was well regarded by Odo, and liked to work the night-side shift as he liked the atmosphere on the Promenade late at night. In 2376, Shul was one of the only Bajorans that would talk to Colonel Kira Nerys after she had been Attainted by Vedek Yevir Linjarin. After witnessing Corporal Hava Remaht trying to ignore Kira because of the Attainder, he told her that he'd "give him a stern talking-to". (DS9 - Section 31 novel: Abyss) Shul was on duty when First Minister Shakaar Edon was assassinated on the station's Promenade. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Cathedral) After Bajor joined the Federation in September 2376, Shul became a member of Starfleet when most of the Militia was absorbed into the service. By December 2385, Shul carried the rank of lieutenant and continued to serve in the security division. He was part of the crew rotation assigned to Security Outpost Endalla One on Bajor's moon Endalla, and was the commanding officer during his week-long stint there. (DS9 novel: Sacraments of Fire)