| - The Laser fires in a straight line, and can be ducked under, or be blocked by the Shield.
- Among their many applications, lasers are used in optical disk drives, laser printers, and barcode scanners; fiber-optic and free-space optical communication; laser surgery and skin treatments; cutting and welding materials; military and law enforcement devices for marking targets and measuring range and speed; and laser lighting displays in entertainment.
- The laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is the most basic of modern battlefield energy weapons. Essentially when a laser is fired, it emits a burst of concentrated heat, which can melt through even the hardest of military grade armour with relative ease in a fraction of a second. The only thing stopping the laser from being completly unstoppable is the danger to the optics used to aim and focus the shots when in use for more then a few seconds at a time.
- Base Cost: 1000 Flying?: - Description: Laser melons are unique melons in many respects. They are themselves immobile and they fire a beam weapon that does not track targets after it has been fired. Though the laser melon has 100% accuracy on the initial shot the face that it cannot track its target means that mobile targets will almost always receive minimal damage from lasers. Because of this, lasers excel in two roles. They are excellent defense versus enemies heading straight towards them (like when defending a ramp into a base) and also when attacking immobile melons and structures. Bring a few of these on vehicles to shred enemy fortifications.
- Laser is the El Kadsreian electrical and plumbing company.
- Durch das Einsaugen eines Laser-Balls oder einer Stahlgarde wird Kirby zu Laser-Kirby. Mit seiner Licht dämmenden Schutzbrille verschießt Kirby Laserstrahlen, die an diagonalen Wänden entsprechend abprallen. Dadurch ist es einfacher, speziell platzierte Blöcke zu zertrümmern. In "Kirby: Mausattacke" kann Kirby nach dem Auffinden der Laser-Schriftrolle nach kurzer Aufladezeit einen sehr viel breiteren Laserstrahl abfeuern.
- Laser, σύμφωνο φως, λέιζερ Είναι σύμφωνη Οπτική Ακτινοβολία.
- It can transport anything and anyone in the real world into cyberspace.
- laser is a red element in powder game 5.5 that moves in the direction of the red line, like wind, it also burns thing, and also reflects off metal and gives the player a laser beam, killing fighters and setting off nearby c4 and other explosives, it is also not affected by gravity and wind,and only goes in eight directions and if not given enough space, will just dissapear. Lasers also make large beams when in contact with a moving wheel
- The Laser is the most powerful weapon found in ObsCure. Its useness is very limited since the weapon can only be found at the end of the game. But in the short time is very useful against Leonard Friedman.
- Lasers can be the most powerful weapon type in the game. The downside, however, is that you must maintain a steady beam on your target for maximum effectiveness. It can be especially useful for taking down slow enemies like Trolls. For the majority of the faster enemies, like goblins, it is more practical to use slug or plasma type weaponry.
- A laser is
- Lasers are one of the important technologies in the galaxy. The laser is used as both weapons and tools, and one can sometimes be altered to become the other. uijew
- It is a laser attached to the weapon that points where the bullet will hit and it appears with green or red color. It can be turned on and off by pressing B for PC.
- In the original Kirby's Adventure, Kirby fires lasers from his hand, but in its remake, Kirby gains a high-tech visor instead, which is how Kirby has been firing lasers ever since. In all appearances, Laser Kirby fires lasers, which he can use to attack enemies. These lasers also will ricochet off slopes.
- The laser can be found in the StarterPack of several older places, one of the more notable ones being Shedletsky's "Fun with Mjolnir". The Laser uses an 2D image instead of a 3D one like other pre-2007 items.
- Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (L.A.S.E.R. or laser) is a mechanism for emitting electromagnetic radiation, typically light or visible light, via the process of stimulated emission.
- Originally called an optical maser.
- Der Laser (Kurzform für die englische Bezeichnung Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) ist eine vielfältig einsetzbare Technologie.
- Laser is a man who owns a sawmill who can shoot laser beams from his fingertips. He was considered as a potential adoptive parent for Firenze, whoever it was not to be.
- Here are some of the different types of lasers in EVE.
- ("Goliath";"Soul Survivor") The only thing KITT has to deflect the Laser's bolts are a set of High Tinsel Reflectors. ("KITT vs. KARR")
- Laser,Reiza,ou Rasor est un des Game-Masters de Greed Island et il est un adversaire indispensable à battre pour avoir une certaine carte, introuvable autrement. Il est le chef d'une bande de bandits dans le jeu, nommée Laser et ses 14 Diables, qui occupe une forteresse près de Sôlfrabi. Il s'entoure en effet d'un groupe de 14 personnes, mais ce nom vient en fait de son Nen d'émission, qui crée 14 soldats ayant différentes caractéristiques (par exemple le N°4 est rapide, le N°13, fusion du N°6 et du N°7, est puissant...).
- The Laser is CS2D's most powerful special weapon, or the entire weapon for that matter, and cannot be obtained in normal gameplay.
- 200px|thumb|right|Rodney och Jackson i lasercellen. Laser är en anordning som sänder ut ljus genom en process av optisk förstärkning baserad på elektromagnetisk strålning. Vanir placerade Doktor Daniel Jackson och Meredith Rodney McKay i en cell som hade laser omkring. Rodney fick en stött när han rörde vid lasercellen. (ATL: "First Contact")kategori:Vanir teknologikategori:Tau'ri teknologi
- Laser weapons were available in sizes ranging from personal use to starship mountings. The Megaships of Vavatch Orbital used bow mounted systems to clear obstructions they could not avoid. Countermeasures included anti-laser chaff and mirror fields. Reflective materials were also effective; the Temple of Light on Marjoin was made of such materials. The Culture term for a laser weapon was Coherent Radiation Emission Weapons System (CREWS).
- The laser is the most common weapon used by Battle Machines. It uses energy to create an incisive blast that is fired at an enemy. It is practical, long-range, efficient and potent, therefore making it very popular. Due to their lack of projectiles, they don't require frequent reloads: they draw power directly from their unit's power core. As battle machines are designed to be operated for quite some time, this gives them an almost unlimited power supply in a battle.
- A Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is a device that emits coherent light radiation. Lasers were often used as weapons.
- Laser Laser to urządzenie emitujące promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne o szerokości emisyjnej dla lasera:
* niebieski 445 nm
* zielony 520 nm
* czerwony 635 nm Nazwa wywodzi się od ang. Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation, czyli wzmocnienie światła poprzez wymuszoną emisję promieniowania. Laser mają szerokie zastosowanie jako broń, w medycynie, komputerach, górnictwie oraz wytwarzaniu energii jak reaktory fuzji.
- The Laser is one of the latest weapons you encounter, and it is just a pocket laser pointer. It is the axis who can use this weapons, from the mission Dr Zweistein and forward. It is one of the most powerful airfix weapons, and its range is infinite. That is, if you fire it it hits the other end of the map if so is. But usually you will not find many of it laying around, so use it wisely.
- Ein Lasergeschütz ist nötig, um Aliens oder andere Schiffe anzugreifen, daneben helfen allerdings auch Raketen.
- Le Laser est une énergie utilisée à des fins offensives dans Fallout.
- Laser (Abkürzung für Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) sind stark gebündelte Lichtstrahlen, die alle die selbe Wellenlänge und Richtung haben. Der Stärke sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Meistens werden sie nur um Erdvolk genutzt.thumb|201px|Ein Laserstrahl
- Its worse than tourettes guy. Atleast T-guy made some sense and didn't just say random swear words.
- Laser is a scientific invention. It gets it's name from: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. In the movies lasers are dangerous and cut things in half. Outside of Hollywood, lasers have practical functions.
- The laser makes an appearance in The Factory. It travels at high speed and touching the laser will instantly kill The Kid. The lasers are also based off the lasers from the Quickman from Mega Man 2.
- The Laser is an extremely common weapon, used by the smaller ships of both the TEC, the Advent, and Pirates, as well as most of their Capital Ships. The TEC seem to have three kinds of lasers, with Light and Heavy being named in the manual, but the conjecture Super-Heavy type has a distinct, almost gun-like sound, which is heard during Ankylon's purely laser broadside. The Vasari Pulse Gun is roughly equivalent to the laser. Also note that Advent Point Defense resemble lasers.
- thumb|Statek używający lasera Laser – podstawowa broń w fazie kosmosu. Każdy ją ma, dostaje się ją na początku gry w kosmosie. Jest to dosyć słaba, ale precyzyjna broń. Z czasem, gdy będziemy dostawać nowe odznaki zdobywcy, będziemy mieli do dyspozycji ulepszenia dla naszego lasera. Na początku, każdy ma Minilaser. Potem jest po prostu Laser. Ostatnia, najsilniejsza wersja lasera to Megalaser. Ta broń nie jest za bardzo użyteczna, najlepiej używać jej podczas załamania ekosystemu. Zużywa średnią wielkość energii - zależy to od baterii oraz mocy naszego statku.
- Die Abkürzung LASER steht für Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Mit einem Laser lässt sich extrem kohärentes Licht, das auch räumlich stark gebündelt ist, erzeugen. Man macht sich dabei im wesentlichen die bosonischen Eigenschaften von Photonen zunutze: Bosonen nehmen bevorzugt den gleichen Quantenzustand ein. Dies führt dazu, dass unter geeigneten Voraussetzungen eine starke Lichtverstärkung von Licht einer einzigen Mode hervorgerufen werden kann.
- Tämä laite vaatii energiaa. Se myös edellyttää Valloittaja 2 tai Ekosankari 1 -ansiomerkkiä.
- Laser is an Obstacle in Death Mode Stage 4 and possibly Stage 29.
- The Laser is a fairly advanced technology in Civilization games.
- Laser is the heroic name of Mikhail James, student at Poseidon Prep.
- The Laser was a beam weapons system used by the Vaygr; compared to the Hiigarans' Ion Cannon, it fired in smaller, red pulses instead of a continuous beam. Mainly an anti-strike craft/frigate weapon, the Laser was mounted on both the Laser Corvette and the Battlecruiser: the former as an anti-frigate weapon, and the latter as a point-defense anti-fighter system. The Plasma Lance mounted on the Vaygr Lance Fighter could also be considered as a Laser; however, it is actually plasma, and in terms of firing time and "beam look" it looks like the pulsar beams.
- Laser was Futura's nephew and formed the music group Future Rock together with Rae and Tempo.
- Laser is an enemy that never stops firing. The laser is unique in that only three enemies use it.
- A laser is a device that emits light (electromagnetic radiation) through a process called stimulated emission.
- "Shoots a laser that toasts ghosts" - Game Description Laser is a Power-Up found in Pac-Man 256. When consumed, a laser beam shoots in front of Pac-Man's direction, destroying any ghosts that come in contact with it. The Laser Power-Up requires _ Pac-Dots to be eaten before unlocked.
- Broń ta składa się z generatora zakładanego na plecy i działa połączonego z generatorem. Strzelając przez osłonę wartość osłony dzielimy przez dwa w dół nie uwzględniamy tego modyfikatora przy osłonie magicznej Broń ładuje się specjalnymi magazynkami . Starcza on na dziesięć strzałów. Cena takiego magazynku wynosi 1000 ¥
* Zasięg: Krótki: 0-40 Średni: 41-100 Daleki: 101-250 Maksymalny: 251-400
* Dyskretność: -
* Amunicja: 10m
* Tryb: P
* Kod obrażeń: 24Z
* Waga: 20
* Dostępność: 16/18 dni
* Cena: 100000 ¥
* Wskaźnik uliczny: 2
- The laser is a device found in the basement section in Submachine 4: The Lab.
- O Laser é uma arma do Estágio Espacial, diposta em três níveis: Minilaser, Laser e Megalaser. É uma arma precisa, e em qualquer um de seus níveis é capaz de matar uma criatura com um tiro, portanto é muito usada em ecodesastres e missões de erradicação. No entanto, ele não segue o inimigo como o Míssil de Prótons.
- The Laser is a vehicle mounted weapon that was scheduled to be released in Grand Theft Auto V, but was cut from the final game release. The codes of the weapon can be found in the weapons.meta folder of the game files. Strangely, game code states that it is at the same time a vehicle weapon and a weapon usable on foot.
- The Laser is a long-range weapon that does not normally occur in the game. You can get it only if you kill the AI housing right before the game ends or edit your saves with a hex editor.
- Lasers are a class of weaponized devices that emitt beams of concentrated energy do exact their force upon the target. Tools on laser basis exist as well, and are more common in RL. The characteristics of lasers were largely inherited from C&C, and as such, lasers follow a set of unique rules. Lasers follow a straight beam under almost any reasonably encountered condition (extreme gravity and certain spatial anomalies can change their trajectory, but a deviation from this rule can also be observed from something so simple as shining a beam of light non-vertically into water, or any other substance with a high refraction index, causing severe inaccuracies) and hence follow the same accuracy and evasion checks. However, laser beams are very fast (i.e. hitscan), making evasion impossible unle
- The most high-tech weapon in use by the European Federation Enforcer Corps in 2020 is a military satellite outfitted with a revolutionary type of directed energy weapon. While most refer to this weapon as a laser, it demonstrates characteristics that have baffled American and Russian scientists.
- The Laser is an item found at Link's Logic, which is located in the tropics area and is only accessible via the ferry. The Laser can only be used with a Laser Detector. As a Laser Detector, it generates a signal output when detecting a laser. The Laser emits a red beam that is quite thin and does not hurt the player on contact. The beam being emitted can be blocked by the player or wood.
- Der Laser ist ein allgemeiner Sciencefiction Begriff für projizierte Energie, normalerweise in Form von Waffen, die in thumb|252pxHandheld-Arkaden oder großen Laserkanonen gefunden werden, die auf Raumschiffen gefunden werden.
- Laser ist Gerät, dass Licht in noch mehr Variationen ausspuckt, als eine Glitzerkugel. "Laser" ist ein Akronym und steht für "Licht Aus So Einer Röhre". Er beruht auf der induzierten Emission und die geht so: Schrödingers Katze verkehrt mit einem Kater und ist danach entweder schwanger oder auch nicht. Wenn sie schwanger ist, emittiert sie bald ein Kätzchen, welches nach den Eltern kommt. Glühbirnen beherrschen nur die spontane Emission, das ist, wenn man keinen Grund für das Kätzchen erkennt, weil der Vater nicht genannt werden möchte. Üblicherweise gibt es einen Mangel an ehrlichen Katern, so dass alles immer mit einer spontanen Emission beginnt und dann durch induzierte Emission eine Katzenseuche auftaucht.
- Lasers were the most common shipmounted energy weapon. Anti-ship lasers had lenses that ranged from several decimeters to over a meter in diameter and operate in the X-ray range; they had effective ranges of about 1,000,000 kilometers (500,000 km against targets with sidewalls). A majority of ships also mounted clusters of smaller point defense lasers for the anti-missile duty, that were powerful enough to destroy shuttlecraft. Grasers were a larger, more powerful version of lasers, and operate in the gamma ray range.
- All lasers spawn with an element, Incendiary being the default and the most common. Exceptions to this rule are the E-GUN (spawns without an element), MINAC's Atonement (cycles between incendiary, shock and corrosive), and Laser Disker (the only explosive laser). Although lasers are only produced by four manufacturers (Hyperion, Dahl, Tediore and Maliwan), each manufacturer produces a very different style of barrel and body which are interchangeable with all laser types, making lasers perhaps the most varied weapon type in the game.
- A laser is a device that emits light (electromagnetic radiation) through a process called stimulated emission. The term "laser" is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser light is usually spatially coherent, which means that the light either is emitted in a narrow, low-divergence beam, or can be converted into one with the help of optical components such as lenses. Typically, lasers are thought of as emitting light with a narrow wavelength spectrum ("monochromatic" light). This is not true of all lasers, however: some emit light with a broad spectrum, while others emit light at multiple distinct wavelengths simultaneously. The coherence of typical laser emission is distinctive. Most other light sources emit incoherent light, which has a phase that vari
- Laser weaponry are laser-based ranged weapons used by many forces in the universe. Laser weapons fire a single coherent ray of light (achieved by crystals that make the beam visible). There do exist laser weapons that fire invisible beams, but they are usually reserved for snipers. Laser weapons come in all shapes and sizes, from pistol-sized weapons to massive crew-served laser cannons used in the anti-tank role.
- Laser is a term used to refer to a beam of concentrated light or EM energy. Although a laser can form naturally as a result of light passing through certain types of matter in a way that excites the energy, most civilizations have become familiar with laser beams created as the result of technological innovation.
- The Laser is a wrist-mounted energy weapon in Perfect Dark with infinite ammo. The primary mode accurately fires a single pulse at the enemy with similar damage to the Falcon 2. Although the Laser does not use ammo, it is an unreliable weapon for intense firefights due to its low rate of fire which is inferior to many of the game's weapons.
- A laser was, in a description posited by Leela and approved by the Fourth Doctor, a very powerful light. (TV: Horror of Fang Rock) Many lasers were harmless and used in some games, (TV: Warriors of Kudlak) but others were used as deadly weapons. During their campaign to recruit warriors, the Uvodni utilised harmless laser weapons in their interactive laser-tag game Combat 3000. However, on board their ship, the Kudlak warriors carried deadly blaster rifles that fired a yellow laser burst.
- Il primo raggio laser è stato mostrato nel maggio 1960 da Theodore Maiman all'Hughes Research Laboratories. Recentemente, i laser sono diventati un'industria multi-miliardaria. L'uso più diffuso di laser è in dispositivi di archiviazione ottica, come compact disc e lettori DVD e Blu-Ray, in cui il laser (pochi millimetri di dimensione) esplora la superficie del disco. Altri usi comuni dei laser sono i lettori di codici a barre e puntatori laser. I laser utilizzati in medicina sono usati per la chirurgia interna e applicazioni cosmetiche.
- The Laser is a general science fiction term for projected energy, usually in the form of weaponry found within handheld arnaments or large laser cannons found on starships. In the Star Fox series, Lasers are a form of energy used by the laser cannons found on the Arwing, Wolfen, Blue Marine, Landmaster, Cornerian Fighters, and many more vehicles. One can use the Laser by repeatedly pressing the A button, or they can charge the Laser by holding the A button. Once charged, it can also lock on to the opponent with the use of Targeting Computer, providing the ship has one. In Star Fox Command, however, some personal craft can't charge their Laser. The Star Fox Team's mothership, the Great Fox is armed with Laser Cannons which are used in battle and clearing pathways in Asteroid Belts, however
- LASERS By: Nate Curtis, Bio-Medical Electronics Student, Western Technical College, La Crosse, WI, 10-16-08 Lasers are used by medical professionals on a daily basis. In this article I will discuss what a laser is, tell you how laser light differs from normal light, I will also go into the different types of lasers, and finally I will discuss the Ellex Super Q laser. A laser is a device that control the way that energized atoms release photons. “Laser” is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, which describes very briefly how a laser works. Although there are many types of lasers, all have certain essential features. In a laser, the lasing medium is “pumped” to get the atoms into an excited state. Typically, very intense flashes of light or electrical disch
- A laser is a device that emits light (electromagnetic radiation) through a process called stimulated emission. The term laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser light is usually spatially coherent, which means that the light either is emitted in a narrow, low-divergence beam, or can be converted into one with the help of optical components such as lenses. Typically, lasers are thought of as emitting light with a narrow wavelength spectrum ("monochromatic" light). This is not true of all lasers, however: some emit light with a broad spectrum, while others emit light at multiple distinct wavelengths simultaneously. The coherence of typical laser emission is distinctive. Most other light sources emit incoherent light, which has a phase that varies
- In 1996, both Rain Robinson and Porter mistook phaser weapons for lasers. (VOY: "Future's End", "Future's End, Part II") Some of the first lasers constructed operated by passing light through natural crystals. These "ancient lasers" then achieved a necessary excitation and emitted a laser beam. Rubindium crystals were capable of producing a laser beam, even with only a low source of light. (TOS: "Patterns of Force" ) An industrial laser cannon was used by the laborers of the Orpheus Mining colony on Luna in 2155. (ENT: "Demons")
- An example of a melting laser material is SUSHI. DIY is a high-powered exploding laser. KILO is an outflow-laser. Another powerful exploding laser is JHGI. It explodes and burns. IFGHT is a versatile laser material, because it can be used vertically or horizontally.It is accelerated by the Tensile and Inflow properties. When it hits Elastic, For example, it pierces through the elastic and makes globs of burning gas. Also: The beam is toggled on and off by SHIFT-P.