| - The tendency for all men within a work of fiction to think primarily with their penises. As such they will be constantly trying to peek up girls' skirts or into the girl's locker room, and will go out of their way to either catch a glimpse of something naughty or gain a minuscule chance of finally doing the deed. Also, whenever they gain a chance or actually get a peek at women's breasts, they lose all brain function. This trope has been used as an Idiot Ball so many times, it's not funny. Men will lose all reason, become catatonic, get massive nosebleeds, etc. just because a woman is in a room. And if any man shows an apparently innocuous interest in a woman, he probably just wants to lay her. This trope is so expected and sometimes so mandatory that when a male character is not being lecherous around women, he is automatically assumed to be gay by the audience (because it is of course utterly impossible for a man to ever have anything but sex on his mind, so he obviously must be thinking about having sex with men instead). And like the title says: all men will act this way. It doesn't matter if you're the hero or the villain. Even Chaste and Celibate Heroes will act like this. Five years old? A Hundred and Eight? Nine Hundred Fifty Three? Doesn't matter. Even men who are happily married or in a devoted and fulfilling relationship will act this way, and oftentimes the behavior will be largely ignored or even treated as an endearing trait. And most absurdly, men who have more regular access to beautiful women than Hugh Hefner, are shown to lose all control over an attractive woman. A Double Standard, since very rarely do women behave or even think this way. Made even more Egregious when you consider Most Writers Are Male. You'd think they would be able to paint their own gender in a more positive light. It could be based on something like "male guilt" (analogous to white guilt), with the writers believing (or at least paying lip service to) the militant-feminist assertion that men are bestial, slovenly brutes. On the other hand, it may be based on the writers extending their own personal attitudes to the entire male sex. Naturally, for the female audience, the prevalence of this trope can be very disheartening, if outright disturbing. Not to mention it reinforces the idea of male sexuality being "filthy", "stupid", "degrading" and "rape-oriented", which isn't exactly an encouraging message for men either, while female sexuality is usually seen as respectful, wholesome and "pure". Note that both this and its Distaff Counterpart, All Women Are Lustful, can be invoked to support claims for the Mars and Venus Gender Contrast. Gets into weird territory when women are offended or insecure because the guy isn't being a perv. How dare you not want to ravish them! You can't win. It also seems that only The Power of Love is able to make a man change his lecherous ways and most men in fiction go by the creed that they Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest, meaning they only clean their act if they are serious about a relationship. But this trope actually stems from All Men Are Perverts, thus adding to its prevalence. Compare I'm a Man, I Can't Help It (focuses more specifically on the idea that a man can't function without sex instead of more universal perversion), All Gays Are Promiscuous (what happens when there aren't any women involved to say 'no'), Nerds Are Virgins (just because you're a pervert doesn't mean you get laid). May lead to claims that A Man Is Not a Virgin. All Men Are Rapists is the Darker and Edgier version of this that usually shows up in Crapsack Worlds and old-fashioned romance novels. Contrast All Women Are Lustful, the very seldom seen original Distaff Counterpart, and the much more common All Women Are Prudes that now exists in its stead, often paired with this trope and used to reflect how women are closer to Earth than men. Sometimes paired with All Women Are Vain in order to provide a certain gender "balance". Attempts at invoking this trope may fall under I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!. This trope also is used to justify All Women are Doms, All Men are Subs as only a man could honestly enjoy pain being perverted as he is, or at least he doesn't care how much pain he has to endure as long as he gets laid. All Women Are Lustful + All Men Are Perverts = A Party - Also Known as an Orgy and Everybody Has Lots of Sex Examples of All Men Are Perverts include: