| - Cutscene 1: It all started out when the top 13 scariest characters rise from the dead with a new leader. (As all the characters rise from the dead) Jason: Man, it been a good while. Scream: Hey guys, look over there. (As it shows a graveyard that says RIP XJ-Negative 2002-????) Freddy: Well, what ya waiting, dig. (As they dig out his body, and bring it back to its lair) (Then they came him come back to life, but as a zombie) Zombie XJ-Negative: Ohhhh...what happened? (As they tell the story of what happened) Zombie XJ-Negative: Ok, this is the plan... (In Bikini Bottom) Cutscene 2: All: (screams) All:...
| - Cutscene 1: It all started out when the top 13 scariest characters rise from the dead with a new leader. (As all the characters rise from the dead) Jason: Man, it been a good while. Scream: Hey guys, look over there. (As it shows a graveyard that says RIP XJ-Negative 2002-????) Freddy: Well, what ya waiting, dig. (As they dig out his body, and bring it back to its lair) (Then they came him come back to life, but as a zombie) Zombie XJ-Negative: Ohhhh...what happened? (As they tell the story of what happened) Zombie XJ-Negative: Ok, this is the plan... (In Bikini Bottom) Spongebob: Ahh, Patrick, isn't this is just a beautiful day. Patrick: Yeah, uh, hey Spongebob, what's that HORIFFY THING.......(screams) (As Spongebob and Patrick gets kidnapped) Cutscene 2: Frankie: Ok, guys, so we gather around again. Samuel: What is happening in this world? Anime Kenny:There are things going on,there are rumors going on that a bunch of horror villains brought back X-J Negative! Pee Wee Herman: This does sound important,what should we do? Sheldon Cooper: I have no idea. Freddy: Perhaps WE should explain. All: (screams) Sheldon: Freddy Krueger? Jason Vorhees? Frankie, Danny, and Jenny: XJ-Negative? Jenny: But I thought you was dead. XJ-Negative: Yes, but since these horror characters revived me and killed Vornicarn, now they work for me. Dark Spectro: And guess who also returns? (As him, The Magophoidbot, and Tantalos appear) Anime Kenny: Wait,you killed Vonicarn? That's disgusting. Samuel: We gotta get out of here! Sheldon: What should we do? Samuel: Let's take the emergency bus! Frankie: To the lab. Cutscene 3: (As they do FBI computer stuff on XJ-Negative and the horror characters) Sheldon: How do you think we should find them? Samuel: You're telling me. What are you even doing? Sheldon: I'm trying to find out if XJ-Negative is a zombie. If the villains killed Vonicarn to get the remains of XJ-Negative,then he is a zombie. All: HE IS A ZOMBIE!!! Sheldon: Yes,yes,MY BRAIN IS BETTER THAN EVERYBODY'S!!! All:... Sheldon: Sorry,i got carried away,you were saying,Samuel?