| - Nancy Drew is a fictional young amateur detective in various mystery series for children and teens. Jeannie Miller once referred to her brother, Rodney McKay as Nancy Drew when he stated the obvious. (SGA: "Miller's Crossing")
- Nancy Drew is a sleuth.
- nancy drew
- Nancy Drew is a courageous young girl who spends her days solving mysteries and standing up against crime. Her father is Carson Drew and her best friend is Bess Marvin. Nancy won't let any thug, criminal, or other obstacle stand in her way as she goes through many lengths to solve any case. Ned Nickerson is her boyfriend. Her first is The Secret of the Old Clock. In the 2007 film, Nancy must solve the mystery of a missing film celebrity.
- Nancy Drew also known as "Sergeant" Drew in the United Galaxy Force is the Green "Star" Ranger of the Power Rangers Special Forces or S.F. Rangers for short. Nancy is daughter of Bridge Carson; the former S.P.D. Green and now Red Ranger and Sydney Drew; the Pink Ranger. Nancy is one of the strange team members taking most of her fathers side as she can be annoying sometimes but tries her best not to do it too much and is the friendly team member but she is no stranger to combat. She also inherits her fathers genetic powers like sensing aura much like her father and has the ability to transform her molecular structure to the structure of anything she touches like her mother. She is also friends with Kim Xiang; The Yellow Ranger and Nelson Lance; The Silver Ranger.
- Nancy Drew är en fiktiv ung amatör detektiv i olika mysterium serie för barn och tonåringar. Jean Miller en gång hänvisas till sin bror, Rodney McKay som Nancy Drew när han förklarade det uppenbara. (ATL: "Miller's Crossing") kategori:Böcker
- Nancy Drew is the main character from the PC game series by the same name. She is the only character to appear (vocally or visually) in every game. She is voiced by Lani Minella in all the games, making her the only character to keep her voice actor for the duration of the series, as a lot of the regular characters, like Bess and George, have different voice actors for the games. Nancy is an amateur detective who solves mysteries.
- Nancy Drew (character) -the character the games circle around Nancy Drew (series) -the Nancy Drew game franchise
- A young but brilliant teenage girl solves mysteries with the help of her two best friends and her understanding father. She also has a boyfriend. There are relatively few actual murders: it's more thefts, hauntings, kidnappings, and that sort of thing... The original series was written in the 1930s, and revived in the 1960s and later in the late 80s and again in 2004, with the 80s and '04 versions featuring more modern sensibilities. There are multiple films inspired by the original series, with the most recent version a sort of affectionate parody, as far as poking fun of the Values Dissonance between Nancy (who is of the eras in which she was written) and modern society. It is not certain that the filmmakers knew why there was Values Dissonance, but the trailers suggest they had fun with
- Nancy Drew estas filino de la usona verkisto Edward Stratemeyer, kiu aperis la unuan fojon en eldono en 1930. Estas inklinigita detektivo kiu estis ĉefrola de pluraj serioj de romanoj de mistero por infanoj kaj adoleskantoj, kiu estis skribitaj de pluraj fantomaj verkistoj kaj lanĉitaj al la vendo sub la pseŭdonimo «Carolyn Keene».
- Nancy Drew is an amateur detective and an friend of Frank and Joe Hardy. She first met the Hardy brothers when they were working undercover at a rock concert for ATAC. Nancy found out about their work with ATAC and she and her best friends, Bess and George, helped them solve the mystery.