| - The Skyward Strike is a sword technique from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Taught to Link by Fi Inside the Statue of the Goddess, this technique unleashes a powerful wave of sacred energy with various effects. In order to deliver a Skyward Strike, the Wii Remote must be held upwards, allowing Link to focus energy in his sword. When the energy build has reached its zenith, it can be unleashed, the wave of energy being at the same angle in which Link swings his sword. When used in conjunction with a thrust attack, the attack is identical to a Sword Beam. If a Spin Attack is performed while a Skyward Strike is charged, the attack's radius will be increased (an effect similar to the Magic Spin Attack) and it will be able to activate objects such as Goddess Cubes, but will not launch a pr
| - The Skyward Strike is a sword technique from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Taught to Link by Fi Inside the Statue of the Goddess, this technique unleashes a powerful wave of sacred energy with various effects. In order to deliver a Skyward Strike, the Wii Remote must be held upwards, allowing Link to focus energy in his sword. When the energy build has reached its zenith, it can be unleashed, the wave of energy being at the same angle in which Link swings his sword. When used in conjunction with a thrust attack, the attack is identical to a Sword Beam. If a Spin Attack is performed while a Skyward Strike is charged, the attack's radius will be increased (an effect similar to the Magic Spin Attack) and it will be able to activate objects such as Goddess Cubes, but will not launch a projectile or deal any additional damage. The Skyward Strike's primary purpose is to activate things such as Goddess Crests and Goddess Cubes. It can also be used to draw symbols on various objects such as Goddess Walls. In battle, it can be used to deliver a ranged attack, allowing Link to stand at a safe distance while defeating enemies that require a strike of a particular direction. Skyward Strikes can be used to easily knock an enemy onto its back, allowing for an opportunity to finish them off with an Ending Blow. The time required for a charge is lessened significantly when the Goddess Sword is transformed into the Master Sword. During Hero Mode, the time required to charge this attack is initially lessened to what it was at the end of a normal game. After the Master Sword is completed, the charge time is removed altogether, the distance the beam can travel is greatly increased, and the beam itself changes in shape and size. Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow. Both Demise and Ghirahim use variations of the Skyward Strike in battle. Ghirahim's Skyward Strikes bear a orange hue, and like his many other magical abilities release diamond particles as it travels but are otherwise identical to Link's. During the second stage of the battle against Demise, Link is unable to use the Skyward Strike due to the evil energy suffusing the battlefield. However, both Link and Demise can store the energy of thunderbolts in much the same way Link performs a Skyward Strike, allowing them to launch lightning at each other. Also, Tentalus cannot be defeated with a Skyward Strike. Spoiler warning: Spoilers end here.