| - X-Men: Evolution
- X-Men: Evolution is an American live action superhero drama television series. The series follows the lives of teenaged superhero sidekicks, who are members of a fictional superhero team simply known as X-Men, and their relationships with their mentors. The story is set at a time where superpowers and superheroes are a relatively recent phenomenon.
- X-Men: Evolution brought the fan favorite comic book title onto the TV screen. It is an American animated television series about the Marvel Comics superhero team X-Men. The series loosely follows the main stories of the original comic. The main cast have been turned into teenagers while others are kids (with the exception of Wolverine, Prof. X, and a few select others). Most of the fan favorites are accounted for, including Wolverine, Cyclops, and Storm.
- X-Men: Evolution is an American animated television series about the Marvel Comics superhero team, the X-Men. In this incarnation, many of the characters are teenagers rather than adults. The series ran for a total of four seasons (52 episodes) from November 2000 until October 2003 on Kids' WB, which has made it the third longest-running Marvel Comics animated series, behind only Fox Kids' X-Men: The Animated Series and Spider-Man: The Animated Series. The series then moved to Cartoon Network. In 2003 the series began airing on Cartoon Network's SVES programming block and in 2004 it began airing on Cartoon Network's Miguzi programming block. The series began running on Disney XD on June 15, 2009.
- Charles Xavier, Wolverine y Storm se hacen cargo de un grupo creciente de alumnos dotados de habilidades mutantes que comienza tan solo con Scott Summers, mejor conocido como Cyclops y Jean Grey. A ellos se unen pronto Kurt Wagner conocido como Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde conocida como Shadowcat Rogue y Evan Daniels conocido como Spyke quien es sobrino de Tormenta y personaje creado para la serie. Por otro lado en la Hermandad de Magneto nos encontramos con el Sapo, Blob, Avalanche, Quiksilver y más adelante se les une Scarlet Witch. Entre todos deberán aprender a convivir y a hacer uso pacífico de sus poderes pero entre clases enamoramientos exámenes entrenamiento y bromas. Categoría:Series Categoría:Series Animadas Categoría:Series concluídas Categoría:Series transmitidas por Toonami
- X-Men: Evolution is an American animated television series| about the Marvel Comics superhero team X-Men. In this incarnation, many of the characters are teenagers rather than adults. The series ran for a total of four seasons (52 episodes) from November 2000 until October 2003 on Kids' WB, which has made it the third longest-running Marvel Comics animated series, behind only Fox Kids' X-Men| and Spider-Man| animated series. The series began running on Disney XD| on June 15, 2009.
- On repart de zéro: au début de la série, l'école pour jeunes « surdoués » de Charles Xavier ouvre ses portes. Avec l'aide des élèves qu'il a déjà personnellement formés (Tornade, Cyclope et Jean Grey) bientôt rejoints par Wolverine, le professeur Xavier accueille enfin les premiers arrivants.
- While the previous (and very popular) X-Men series spent a lot of time condensing the mythology of the long-running comics, this series purposefully tried to go its own way. It was an effort to not bog the story down to Continuity Lock Out and keep most stories individualized. The animation and story scripting was consistently high but it was also impossible to ignore the Spinoff Babies vibe, though it was nice to see a franchise supposedly based around a school for mutants actually spend time in school for once. Here's a character sheet for more in-depth bios and tropes of the characters.