| - Beak may refer to:
* Beak (Breath of Fire)
* Beak (Breath of Fire II)
* Beak (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter)
- Grume of Snail <= Beak + Hard Shell
- Born in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Beak started developing his powers at puberty. His body changed into that of a humanoid-bird form, with a beaked face, bulbous eyes, wing-like arms that give him the ability to fly (albeit clumsily), talons on his hands and feet, and double-jointed knees. He also possesses heightened agility, and he may possess heightened senses and a lighter skeletal structure like the avian X-Man formerly known as the Angel. Feeling disgusted and ashamed because of his appearance, Beak ran away from home and went into hiding. He tells Beast that his nickname originated from other teenagers in Rotterdam, who would find him hiding behind beer barrels.
- The beak, bill or rostrum is an external anatomical structure of birds, monotremes, cephalopods, cetaceans, pufferfishes, turtles, Anuran tadpoles and sirens which is used for eating and for grooming, manipulating objects, killing prey, probing for food, courtship and feeding young. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Beak is Zasalamel's joke weapon in Soulcalibur III and Soulcalibur IV. It can be bought in Soulcalibur IV's Character Creation for 12,500 Gold after completing Story Mode with Zasalamel, and is earned in Soulcalibur III. In Soulcalibur IV it has Soul Repel equipped by default as a skill, which allows players to repel any attacks at any time except when in the air. This weapon resembles a large, white bird head, with the beak acting as the blade of the sythe. The bird has very wide eyes. It's sound effect is that of a bird squawking.
- Kevin Keene, Princess Lana, Mega Man, and Duke were attacked by four Beaks while climbing a ladder in Cuts Man's stage, which they needed to clear in order to stop Dr. Wily from taking over Megaland. Mega Man destroyed one of the Beaks with a plasma bolt, but another one shot Kevin and caused him to fall off the ladder. After Mega Man warned them to watch their energy level, the group made it past the rest of the Beaks and reached Big Eye.
- Beak, conocido en Japón como Blaster (ブラスター Burasutā?, Trad. Explotador), es un robot de seguridad montado en una pared creado para ser usado en bases y otras áreas reservadas. Es un disparador encerrado en un pico de 2 piezas que se usan como un escudo. Cuando esta cerrado es completamente indestructible. Si esta abierto lanza disparos de energía. En "Mega Man", Beak es visto en los Escenarios de Cut Man, y de Bomb Man, además de la 2º y 3º Planta Manufacturadora del Dr. Wily; Beak ataca en múltiples direcciones, una vez descubierto Beak es débil al Mega Buster y el resto de ataques.__TOC__
- Beak (Peck in the PS and GBA versions), used by the Helldiver, Cockatrice, Fledgling Rukh, Mist Eagle, Treant, and Sable, has a chance to petrify one party member.
- A beak was a external attachment to the mouth of birds. In 2374, while recording her personal log, Seven of Nine described a bird she saw in her hallucinations as having "a powerful triangular beak". (VOY: "The Raven")
- Beak is the gryphon of Donnelly Dunwald who has gone missing since the Twilight's Hammer clan attack on the Dunwald town in the Twilight Highlands. Donnelly has stayed behind in the Dunwald Hovel[[:File:|[, ]]], intent on searching through the Dunwald Ruins to find and bring him home safely.
- Beak was a male individual who served as a soldier of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Sixty-First Mobile Infantry during the Galactic Civil War. Just before the Battle of Hoth, he and other Twilight Company soldiers were assigned to escort former Imperial governor Everi Chalis to Echo Base. During the battle, Beak was killed by a sweep of Darth Vader's lightsaber.
- Beak was a member of the 'Terrible Three', together with Beast and Beetle. As a trio, they were not known for doing a good job, and after they failed to capture young Corky and Tony, who were tresspassing in Hauntquarters, Prime Evil vowed to turn the three of them into the 'Terrible Six'. Beak joined Haunter, Ghoul-Aide and Beetle in their attempt to steal the Dragon Jewel from the Sleeping Dragon near the Great Wall of China.
- Beaks (くちばし Kuchibashi) are Strike weapons that appear in the Tellius Series of Fire Emblem Series. In Path of Radiance, two main variants of the Beak exists, one for each faction of Bird tribe Laguz; in Radiant Dawn, conversely, they are primarily wielded by Ravens, while Hawks use Talons instead. Like all other Strike weapons, Beaks can neither be unequipped nor dropped because they are part of their owners' bodies.