The Magic School Bus is a 2017 adventure science fiction comedy-drama produced and directed by Steven Spielberg, written by Christopher Nolan, and starring Mark Wahlberg, Seth Rogen, Alexandra Daddario, Mila Kunis, John Leguizamo, Will Smith, Scarlett Johannson, Rosario Dawson, Daniel Craig, and Susan Sarandon. It will be released on November 22, 2017 by Paramount Pictures and MGM.
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| - The Magic School Bus (2017 film)
| - The Magic School Bus is a 2017 adventure science fiction comedy-drama produced and directed by Steven Spielberg, written by Christopher Nolan, and starring Mark Wahlberg, Seth Rogen, Alexandra Daddario, Mila Kunis, John Leguizamo, Will Smith, Scarlett Johannson, Rosario Dawson, Daniel Craig, and Susan Sarandon. It will be released on November 22, 2017 by Paramount Pictures and MGM.
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| - The Magic School Bus is a 2017 adventure science fiction comedy-drama produced and directed by Steven Spielberg, written by Christopher Nolan, and starring Mark Wahlberg, Seth Rogen, Alexandra Daddario, Mila Kunis, John Leguizamo, Will Smith, Scarlett Johannson, Rosario Dawson, Daniel Craig, and Susan Sarandon. It will be released on November 22, 2017 by Paramount Pictures and MGM.