| - gm_clandestine_v10002.jpg gm_clandestine_v10003.jpg gm_clandestine_v10004.jpg gm_clandestine_v10006.jpg gm_clandestine_v10007.jpg gm_clandestine_v10009.jpg gm_clandestine_v10011.jpg gm_clandestine_v10017.jpg As we all know, our neighbors across the pond were hit pretty hard by the Resource Wars, so they didn't have much money to waste on engineering and design. However, here at NukaMotive, we can easily say that the Travanta is an ingenious work of necessity. They may not have had much to work with, but by golly, they made the best of it.
| - gm_clandestine_v10002.jpg gm_clandestine_v10003.jpg gm_clandestine_v10004.jpg gm_clandestine_v10006.jpg gm_clandestine_v10007.jpg gm_clandestine_v10009.jpg gm_clandestine_v10011.jpg gm_clandestine_v10017.jpg As we all know, our neighbors across the pond were hit pretty hard by the Resource Wars, so they didn't have much money to waste on engineering and design. However, here at NukaMotive, we can easily say that the Travanta is an ingenious work of necessity. They may not have had much to work with, but by golly, they made the best of it. The heart of the car is basically a 2-cylinder from a generator, but the car is so light, and the engine is so torquey that it can easily hit it's top speed, 90 kph, without breaking a sweat. Speaking of lightness, the whole frame is made of aluminum and the body panels are made from dent-resistant plastic, meaning the whole car only weighs 2400 lbs! -Keep reading to read the rest of the review