Duel Academy, known as Duel Academia in the Japanese version, is a setting of the third arc of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, located in New Domino City. Unlike the GX Duel Academy, this Academy isn't divided into three separate dorms based on rank, and it is not a boarding school. Instead, it is similar to a traditional school. The students are divided into classes based on their age and the lower level students have lessons based around specific types (and presumably attributes, however this has not been shown) of monsters. The upper level student curriculum is currently unknown.
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| - Duel Academy (New Domino)
| - Duel Academy, known as Duel Academia in the Japanese version, is a setting of the third arc of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, located in New Domino City. Unlike the GX Duel Academy, this Academy isn't divided into three separate dorms based on rank, and it is not a boarding school. Instead, it is similar to a traditional school. The students are divided into classes based on their age and the lower level students have lessons based around specific types (and presumably attributes, however this has not been shown) of monsters. The upper level student curriculum is currently unknown.
image name
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Academy.png
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japanese translated
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Image caption
| - The New Domino City Duel Academy
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| - Duel Academy, known as Duel Academia in the Japanese version, is a setting of the third arc of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, located in New Domino City. Unlike the GX Duel Academy, this Academy isn't divided into three separate dorms based on rank, and it is not a boarding school. Instead, it is similar to a traditional school. The students are divided into classes based on their age and the lower level students have lessons based around specific types (and presumably attributes, however this has not been shown) of monsters. The upper level student curriculum is currently unknown. The Academy itself is also divided into various areas, which is clearly seen on the picture. One of this areas is a large track use for learning and practice riding a Duel Runner with an instructor. Exams for Duel Runner licenses can also be taken here, as shown when Akiza applied for her own.
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