| - Vezon on puolet Skakdi Vezokin olemuksesta, joka irtaantui hänestä, kun Hakann käytti Fuusiokeihästä. Hän oli hetken yksi Pirakoista ja sittemmin Kanohi Ignikan vartija. Mata Nuin ritarikunta vangitsi hänet ja hän työskenteli jonkin aikaa organisaatiolle. Kerran hän jäi sähköistyneen Protodermiksen luoman hyökyaallon alle, ja hän sai kyvyn siirtyä ulottuvuuksien välillä.
- "I love Ducks!"-Vezon singing Vezon was a famous singer.
- Vezon ist der ehemalige siebte Piraka und ein Halb-Skakdi. Da er versehentlich aus Vezok defusioniert wurde fehlte ihm beispielsweise die Wirbelsäule und er ist etwas verrückt.
- Diese Vezons gibt es in diesem Wiki:
* Vezon (Ein unglücklicher Matoraner)
* Vezon(Der teuflische Plan 1)
- Vezon, nazywany niesłusznie siódmym Piraka, był niegdyś strażnikiem Maski Życia. Obecnie podróżuje po alternatywnych wymiarach wbrew swej woli.
- Vezon is a Skakdi who was created when the Spear of Fusion divided a Dark Hunter called Vezok into two beings. He was once the guardian of the Kanohi Ignika, when he was fused to a mutant Fenrakk Spider. He later became a member of an Order of Mata Nui strike team led by Brutaka, and was also used by the organization on a mission to Destral during the Destiny War. He was later mutated by Energized Protodermis into a living dimensional doorway, constantly creating and falling into dimensional gates.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Vezon was a Skakdi clone accidentally created by the Skakdi criminal and Piraka, Hakann using the Spear of Fusion to split another Skakdi, Vezok, into two. He later fled to Voya Nui with the Spear in an attempt to steal the powerful Mask of Life for himself, but was cursed to be its guardian.
- Vezon was the insane half essence of Vezok, created by the Spear of Fusion.
- Vezon was a Skakdi who was created when Vezok was seperateed by the Spear of Fusion.
- Vezon es la mitad de la esencia de Vezok, dividida por la Lanza de la Fusión. En un principio se unió a la organización de la cual Vezok era parte, los Piraka, pero se convirtió en uno de los guardianes de la Ignika. Después de ser liberado, fue capturado por la Orden de Mata Nui y fue puesto a trabajar para ellos realizando varias misiones.