| - A Ben-Kei OTK Deck tries to land the Armed Samurai - Ben Kei OTK as quickly as possible. The idea of this One Turn Kill is to get out Armed Samurai - Ben Kei, and attack multiple times. The following cards are recommended:
* Armed Samurai - Ben Kei, the main card of the deck
* Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu to search out equip cards, more often Big Bang Shot than the others.
* Reinforcement of the Army to search for Ben Kei.
* Sangan to search for Ben Kei or Kotetsu.
* Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive and Magical Merchant for speeding through the Deck.
* Monster Reborn or Limit Reverse for reviving a Ben Kei discarded via Magical Merchant's effect.
* Heavy Storm or Giant Trunade to clear the field before launching the attack.
* United We Stand, Mage Power, Axe of Despair are powerful equips that also help to deal huge damage.
* Big Bang Shot to pierce through any defenders the opponent has. Combos well with Giant Trunade
* Gravity Bind, Level Limit - Area B, Messenger of Peace, and other stalling cards. It doesn't matter if these cards prevent you from attacking, because you should always play Heavy Storm or Giant Trunade before trying to land the OTK anyway.
* Shooting Star Bow - Ceal along with at least two other Equip Spell Cards that raise Ben Kei's attack power to at least 2000 will give you a 2000-ATK monster that can attack your opponent directly four times.
* Hidden Armory - To easily search for Equip Spell Cards in the deck or retrieve from the Graveyard.
* Gold Sarcophagus to search out cards for the OTK.