The War on Mutant Dinosaurs and the Mutant Dinosaur Apocalypse, though commonly referred to as the Dino Attack, was an apocalyptic war that was spread across Earth. Ronald Alexander, an insane former Paradox Space Marauder harnessed the power of the Maelstrom and mutated numerous dinosaurs from Dino Island, Dinosaur Island, and Adventurers' Island, and unleashed them into the world in 2010, devastating every civilization they came in contact with. The LEGOLAND government, in order to combat the menace, created the Dino Attack Team, made up of elite dino hunters and scientists in order to stop Alexander and his organization of scientists, the Xenon Elite Researchers Regarding Dinosaurs, or the XERRD.
Attributes | Values |
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| - The War on Mutant Dinosaurs and the Mutant Dinosaur Apocalypse, though commonly referred to as the Dino Attack, was an apocalyptic war that was spread across Earth. Ronald Alexander, an insane former Paradox Space Marauder harnessed the power of the Maelstrom and mutated numerous dinosaurs from Dino Island, Dinosaur Island, and Adventurers' Island, and unleashed them into the world in 2010, devastating every civilization they came in contact with. The LEGOLAND government, in order to combat the menace, created the Dino Attack Team, made up of elite dino hunters and scientists in order to stop Alexander and his organization of scientists, the Xenon Elite Researchers Regarding Dinosaurs, or the XERRD.
- Dino Attack (Dino 2010 in Europe) was a theme released in 2005. Each set included futuristic vehicles fighting against mutant dinosaurs. It includes 5 sets of different vehicles and dinosaurs and is the third LEGO System theme related to dinosaurs. It had a team of 4 minifigures (Shadow, Digger, Specs, and Viper) trying to stop invading dinosaurs.
- Dino Attack, or its closely related theme Dino Attack 2010, is a discontinued LEGO theme present on My LEGO Network. There are Stickers and Rank 4 Networkers based on this theme.
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Row 1 info
| - 2010-10-02(xsd:date)
- None
- --06-04
- --09-30
- --10-03
- --11-01
- --11-09
- --09-23
- --10-15
- --10-20
- --04-23
- Specs
- *Agents General Rufus Deldeus
*Mayor Charlie
- *Cameron O'cozy
- *Digger
- *Dino Attack Agent Kotua
- *Dino Attack Agent Reptile
*Alpha Team Agent Magma
- *Dino Attack Agent Rex
- *Dino Attack Agent Rex
*Dino Attack Agent Redshirt
- *Dino Attack Agent Rex
*Evil Ogel
- *Dr. Rex
- *Dr. Rex
*Dr. Inferno
- *Dr. Walter Bishop
*Dr. Carolyne Provencal
- *Dr. Wolf
*Skr-Ok Clan Chief
- *Fogel
*Evil Ogel
- *ShadowTech
- *Specs
- *Specs
*Elite Agent Rex
- Brickspider Bot v1.0
- Dr. Ronald "Rex" Alexander
- *Mutant T-Rexes
*Mutant Raptors
*Mutant Lizards
*Mutant Pterosaurs
*Mutant Vinscale Octomus
- *Alpha Team Agent Magma
*Dino Attack Agent Greybeard
*Agents Colonel Covert
*Ice Snake King
- *Dino Attack Agent Rex
*Agents Colonel Covert
*Evil Ogel
Row 2 info
| - *Unknown number of Robo-Blades and Robots
*The Voltage
- *40 Dino Track Transports
*Thousands of Mutant Dinos
*300 XERRD soldiers
*250 Minifig/Mutant Lizard Hybrids
*Hundreds of Outskirts Beasts
- *Dino Attack Agent Amanda Remous
*L.A. Leader Libo
*Alpha Team Agent Frozeen
*Alpha Team Agent Chompy
*The Brickster
*General Evil
*Lord Vladek
*Sam Sinister
*Talia Kaahs
*Minifig/Mutant Lizard Hybrids
*Ogel's Skeleton Drones
*Mesozoic Morphing Monsters
- *100 Alpha Team Agents
*100 Dino Attack Agents
- *850 Mutant Dinosaurs
*150 Inferno Henchmen
- *All Idealist Dino Attack Agents
- *Approx. 100 Dino Attack Agents
*Aster Oid
- *Hundreds of Cold-Blooded Mutant Dinos
*Torn World
- *Mutant Viking Monsters
*Skr-Ok Viking Warriors
- *Ogel's Island, LEGOLAND
*Goo Caverns, Earth
- *Small number of rogue Realist Agents
- *Aprox. 300 Dino Attack Agents
*10 Alpha Team Agents
*Approx. 75 LEGOLAND Army Soldiers
*The PA
*The Saber
- Antarctica, Earth
- Dino Attack HQ, LEGO City, LEGOLAND
- Dinosaur Island, LEGOLAND
- Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
- *Approx. 900-3000 Dino Attack Agents
*Over 4000 Brickster-Bots
*Over 3000 Ogel Drones
*800 Agents
*300 Alpha Team Agents
*Numerous other Military organizations
- LEGO United Nations, LEGOLAND
- The Villain Headquarters, LEGO City
- Vikings Isle, LEGOLAND
Castle Cove, LEGOLAND
- *Uncountable Ice Snakes
*30 Agents
*Dino Attack Agent Tail
*Dino Attack Agent Bart Helmutson
*Dino Attack Agent Raptor
*Dino Attack Agent Epsilon
*The Brickster
*Sam Sinister
- *Dino Attack Agent Amanda Remous
*Alpha Team Agent Frozeen
*Alpha Team Agent Chompy
*L.A. Leader Libo
*Frozeen's Purple Headed Brickster-Bot
- *approx. 300 Dino Attack Agents
*approx. 30 Agents
*Uncountable Drones
- *300 Dino Attack Agents
*300 Agents
*300 Alpha Team Agents
*75 Resistance Fighters
- *Numerous amounts of Mutant Dino deaths
*All Mutant Vinscale Octomus
- *Mutant Dinos
*ShadowTech Agents
*Shadow Blades
*Future Villians
*H.R.D.B. Robots
- *Approx. 100 Inferno Henchmen
*Numerous Mutant Dinos
*20 XERRD scientists
- *Sam Sinister
*The Brickster
*Lord Vladek
*The Frickster
- *Sandy Bay, LEGOLAND
- *Over 1 billion Mutant Dinosaurs
*1500 independent mercenaries
*75 scientists
*500 Inferno Agents
- *Dino Attack Agents
*Alpha Team Agent Frozeen
*Rock Raider Sam Throramebi
- *Mutant Dinosaurs
*Minifg/Mutant Lizard Hybrids
*XERRD Soldiers
Row 1 title
| - Leader
- Organizations
- Strength
- Commander
- Date
Row 2 title
| - Location
- Strength
- Casualties
Row 3 info
| - Dino Attack Victory; Most of the Goo Caverns are destroyed.
- *Ben Gunn
*approx. 150 Dino Attack Agents
*several Agents
*Numerous Drones
- *Cold Blooded Mutant Dinos pushed back from refuge facilites
*Official allying of the Alpha Team, Dino Attack, and Agents Defense Organization
*Refuge facility riots begin
- *Dino Attack Victory
*Betrayal of the Hybrids
- *End of idealist vs realist debate
- *Few Agents
*Numerous Ice Snakes
- *Fssinister
*The Frickster
- *Majority of Cold-Blooded Mutant Dinos.
- *Numerous Realist Agents
- *PBB
- *Several Idealist Agents