| - Ibuki is a young girl from Japan who is raised in a ninja village that is hidden from society's watchful eyes, where she trains in the deadly art of ninjutsu. She has a slim, athletic build and her blackish/brown hair is held back tightly in a topknot that drops well below her waist. Unlike most of her other female counterparts in the same genre, Ibuki's outfit has a more traditional type of ninja dogi, consisting of a sleeveless upper garment, baggy pants, arm guards, and a mask that conceals the lower half of her face. Her footwear consists only of cloth bandages that are wrapped around her shins, ankles, and instep. Her winpose in the games and concept art reveal her wearing a tanktop and a white thong underneath.
- right|175pxIbuki ist der Protagonist im Nintendo DS-Spiel Blood of Bahamut. Er ist der letzte Beschwörer in der dortigen Welt und besitzt die geheime Kraft des Weißen Drachen, dessen Gegenstück der Schwarze Drache ist. Da auch dieser Drache einen Beschwörer braucht, kann man davon ausgehen, dass Ibuki doch nicht der letzte Beschwörer ist. Zudem ist er der einzige Charakter in der Party, der keinem Giganten-Clan angehört. Im Kampf benutzt er ein Schwert.
- Ibuki (いぶき, born December 6, 1980) is a Street Fighter character, introduced in Street Fighter III: New Generation and Super Street Fighter IV.
- Ibuki is a character originating from Kamen Rider Hibiki. In Kamen Rider Decade, in the World of Hibiki, a possible future of the Hibiki lore is seen, where Ibuki also exists. Both versions are portrayed by Jyoji Shibue. IoriIzumi.jpg|Image:Icon-hibiki.png Iori Izumi|link=Iori Izumi Past Ibuki.JPG|Image:Icon-hibiki.png Ibuki (Past)|link=Ibuki (Past) Iori Izumi.jpg|Image:Icon-decade.png Ibuki (A.R. World)|link=Ibuki (A.R. World)
- Ibuki (息吹) is one of the main characters for the single player narrative. He can fight beside the protagonist during hunts in the single player main story. Players who participated in Famitsu's Toukiden questionnaire ranked him as their eighth favorite character.
- Ibuki the beautiful ninja from Street Fighter III is in Super Smash Sisters!