It can be purchased at the Bounty Hunter Store for 10,000 points.
As with all Ancient Magicks spells, the quest Desert Treasure must be completed to cast this spell.
[[Kuva:Runescape spells ancientmagicks-teleport.gif|left|frame|Pelaaja, joka käyttää Ancient-taikaa teleportatakseen.]] Senntisten Teleport on Ancient-taika, joka teleporttaa sinut Digsiten exam centeriin. Kuten muutkin Ancient-taiat, tämäkin vaatii Desert Treasure-tehtävän suorittamisen.
As with all Ancient spells, the quest Desert Treasure must be completed to cast this spell. This spell is now used as a fast way to get to the Zaros altar when players wish to switch to the Ancient Curses. (Requires completion of Temple at Senntisten in order to use the altar) File:Senntisten Teleport location.png
As with all Ancient spells, the quest Desert Treasure must be completed to cast this spell. This spell is now used as a fast way to get to the Zaros altar when players wish to switch to the Ancient Curses. (Requires completion of Temple at Senntisten in order to use the altar) File:SenntistenTeleportLocation.png
[[Bestand:Ancient teleport.gif|left|frame|Een speler gebruikt Ancient Magicks om te teleporteren.]] Senntisten Teleport teleporteert de speler naar de ingang van de Digsite. Je hebt 60 Magic nodig en je moet, net als bij alle andere Ancient Magicks spreuken, de quest Desert Treasure hebben voltooid.