| - Fiona Celestine Arabella Coyne is a graduate and valedictorian of the Degrassi Community School's Class of 2013. She was from New York City, USA and is currently living in Rome, Italy. Although she and her twin brother Declan Coyne were born in Japan, Fiona considers Manhattan home. She transferred to Degrassi Community School in Season 9 during the second semester as a junior with her brother.
- Interview with Fiona and Declan: Fiona Coyne is a regular in the season, but isn't shown nearly as much as her twin brother, Declan. She and her brother are shown as the stereotypical kids of teen dramas (who are always rich and "attractive"). She is a bit of a villain, and had quite a feud with anti-hero, Holly J. Sinclair.
| - Fiona Celestine Arabella Coyne is a graduate and valedictorian of the Degrassi Community School's Class of 2013. She was from New York City, USA and is currently living in Rome, Italy. Although she and her twin brother Declan Coyne were born in Japan, Fiona considers Manhattan home. She transferred to Degrassi Community School in Season 9 during the second semester as a junior with her brother. After being a "few credits shy," she had to repeat her senior year. Fiona once relied on money to do everything for her, but she has learned how to manage with less of it, after her mother Laura Coyne was put on house arrest on account of fraud in her foundation until the family's legal troubles were resolved. She was a talented artist and is also very interested in fashion, as shown through her unique sense of style. A loner who once feared her own independence, Fiona has been to rehab to take control of her alcoholism, has been put on medication due to her anxiety problems, and has realized that she is a lesbian. She is best friends with Holly J. Sinclair, and Eli Goldsworthy. She is also good friends with Anya MacPherson, Bianca DeSousa, Mike Dallas, Drew Torres, and Imogen Moreno. Additional friends of hers include Chantay Black, Adam Torres, Dave Turner, and Marisol Lewis. She formerly had a conflict with Tinsley Wharton due to her trampy reputation, but respects her now for helping her in her trial against her abusive ex-boyfriend Bobby Beckonridge. She also seems to be on good terms with former enemy Katie Matlin. She is portrayed by Annie Clark.
- Interview with Fiona and Declan: Fiona Coyne is a regular in the season, but isn't shown nearly as much as her twin brother, Declan. She and her brother are shown as the stereotypical kids of teen dramas (who are always rich and "attractive"). She is a bit of a villain, and had quite a feud with anti-hero, Holly J. Sinclair. In Just Can't Get Enough, Fiona and Declan make their first appearance when they exit their limo, and are interviewed by Chantay. She shows them around the school as they explain that they are travelers due to their dad being a diplomat. Mia and Peter are introduced to them, so Declan and Fiona tell them to come to their dad's diplomat posh party. At the party, Declan sets up Peter to be ridiculed, and Fiona shakes her head, knowing what her brother is capable of. Fiona goes to comfort an insecure Peter and chastises her cousin Victoria for giving him meth. She also tells Viki to shut up when Viki says that Fiona and Declan are "really close". She receives much unneeded attention from Fitz and Bruce the Moose. In Shoot to Thrill, Dave keeps flirting with Fiona in fashion club. To get him to stop, she lies and says that she is seeing Riley, who asks her out when he hears the rumor. On the date, Riley's ex-fling Nathan shows up and asks Fiona for some information on Riley. Riley returns from getting drinks and tells Fiona that they should leave, because his Nathan is one of the many "druggies" around that area. Fiona initiates their relationship, though she is suspicious of his sexual orientation. She tells Declan that she believes Riley is gay, but Declan doesn't agree. In Beat It, Riley gets aroused in lifeguard class to Sam, the teacher, when he performs CPR. When Fitz mentions it at lunch, Riley says that he was thinking of Fiona. Riley wants to sleep with Fiona to prove that he isn't gay, and invites her to his house. When he does this, he starts making out with her, btu she tells him to stop. She makes a remark about him being homosexual, so Riley gets mad and tells her to leave. Fiona confronts Riley the next day, telling him that something is wrong with him. Instead of accepting that he is gay, he gay bashes people. She dumps him because of his unaccepting behavior. A day later, Riley tells Fiona that he has found a "cure" for his "condition". Fiona tells him that curing homosexuality is impossible, and that she doesn't get why he can't just be himself. She starts to walk away when Riley says "too bad you can't cure a bitch!". Fiona tells him that she doesn't want to speak to him anymore.