| - Dave the Barbarian is an American animated television series created by Doug Langdale, creator of The Weekenders, that premiered on January 23, 2004 on Disney Channel and ended on January 22, 2005. Continuing to air in other countries after the show ended, the show follows a barbarian named Dave, his sisters, uncle, talking sword, and pet dragon on their daily adventures. The show is a Disney Channel Original Series.
- Dave the Barbarian is American Television Series
- Dave the Barbarian is the upcoming 2009 live action comedy movie starring Brendan Fraser, Elle Fanning, Miley Cyrus, Wesley Snipes, Rooney Mara, Daniel Radcliffe, Frank Welker, Estelle Harris, Steve Carrell, Jim Carrey, Rowan Atkinson, Eric Idle, Hugh Bonneville, Rhys Ifans, Simon Pegg, Robbie Coltrane, Lenny Henry, Alexei Sayle, John Sessions, Peter Richardson, Nigel Planer, Martin Clunes, Bernard Cribbins, Burt Kwouk, Chris Langham, Gareth Hale, Norman Pace, Peter Cook, Tony Slattery, Keith Allen, Julian Clary, the music was composed by David Newman and Marc Shaiman and was directed by Paul Weiland
- Dave the Barbarian is a Disney Channel Original Series created by Doug Langdale that premiered in January 23, 2004 on the Disney Channel. It ran for a total of 21 half hour episodes.
- Dave the Barbarian is an American animated television series created by Doug Langdale that premiered on February 10, 2014 on Disney Channel and ended on May 21, 2016. Continuing to air in other countries after the show ended, the show follows a barbarian named Dave, his sisters, uncle and pet dragon on their daily adventures. The show is the 4th Disney Channel Original Animated Series.
- thumb|200px Dave the Barbarian (Dave el Bárbaro en español) fue una serie animada y cómica que fue creada y escrita por Doug Langdale. Fue estrenada en enero de 2004 por la cadena Disney Channel y cancelada el mismo año. Consta de una sola temporada de 21 episodios.
- Name: Dave Barbarian Origin: Dave the Barbarian Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Human, Barbarian Stamina: Above Average Range: Melee to short-range Standard Equipment: Lula the 20,000-year-old Enchanted Sword Intelligence: Low Weaknesses: Dave the Barbarian is highly cowardly, he acts dumber than a brick, he is totally pacifistic, and doesn't even want to be a barbarian. He really only wanted to at the age of ten because he thought it was a librarian that cut hair.