| - Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare :
* Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'ÉtatCatégorie:Gare (ÉTAT).
* Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'OuestCatégorie:Gare (OUEST).
* Compagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à RouenCatégorie:Gare (Compagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à Rouen).
* Réseau ferré de FranceCatégorie:Gare (RFF).
* Société nationale des chemins de fer françaisCatégorie:Gare (SNCF).
- All Alert teammates get +45% HP.
- Vernon es un personaje mencionado únicamente en Grand Theft Auto Online
- thumb|Vernon.Vernon war ein Kind, welches Werbung für die Produkte von DreadZone machen sollte. Er war der beste Freund von Eugene und Lucy und ein großer Fan von Reaktor. Er besitzt ein selbstgebautes Reaktor Kostüm und kann sogar Metall essen! Nach dem Tod seines Vorbildes wurde Ratchet sein neuer Lieblingsgladiator. Vernon hielt nicht viel von Ace Hardlight. Er entkam der Explosion der Killer Kuppel.
- Not much is known about Vernon, except for the fact that he is high ranking member of the Families and that at some point he heard about Lamar's "imminent promotion" and thought that Lamar "being the absolute ruler of everywhere was going to insult him."
- Vernon appears in Telepath RPG Chapters 1 and 2.
- Vernon was a citizen of Pelruan.
- Vernon was a drug dealer.
- Vernon may refer to different places:
* Vernon, British Columbia
* Vernon, Ontario
* Vernon, Illinois
- Vernon may refer to:
* Vernon Sanders (Gemini) from Gemini in Incandescence
* Vernon Sanders (Inferno) from Inferno in Incandescence
* Vernon Sanders (Medallion) from Medallion in Incandescence
* Vernon Sanders (Limitless) from Limitless in Pixiethreads
- Vernon is a member of the mercenary group known as the Gym Slayers, taking the mantle of the Dragon Gym Slayer. Raised by Dragon-Type Pokemon, Vernon is a feral and vicious man who, after being shown kindness by the television reporter Faye, swears revenge on the Pokemon League after Faye's employment is terminated. He aims to train the strongest Dragon-Type Pokemon and crush all Dragon-Type Trainers that stand in his way.
- Vernon was a doctor of xenobiology and one of three leading rakghoul experts on Taris during the Cold War. He was killed by the fallen Jedi Ki Sazen for being unable to fix the Ultrawave Transmitter.
- Vernon is a resident of Haven in Oklahoma. She and her friends are at the firing range where Joseph Capelli tries out his weapons.
- Vernon is a character in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Mobile. He is found in northern Bruma.
- Vernon is the ex-boyfriend and retroactive husband of Lacuna. His talent is inducing vertigo in others. Together they have Ryver and the twins Jot and Tittle. They also have a possible daughter Lacky on Ptero. Vernon has appeared only in Question Quest and has been mentioned in The Dastard and Cube Route.
- Dean Vernon is a dean at Mars University. He has a great dislike of Robot House, who he blames for much of the mischief that occurs on campus and places them on dodecatuple secret probation. The stressful job has not been easy on Vernon since he took the job in 2993, but he has been able to retain his sanity with his hobby of building a model ship, which was accidentally eaten by Fatbot after Robot House was placed on dodecatuple secret probation in 3001. Vernon went on a date with Turanga Leela, however, after that, he never called back.
- Vernon along with his buddy Eugene appeared in a commercial for Exterminator trading cards. In the commercial, Vernon and Eugene were playing with Exterminator trading cards in Vernon's house. Vernon told Eugene that he was attacking him with a level five Spider Tank card. Eugene responded by laying out his level six Lawn Ninja card. Vernon laughed at Eugene, claiming he had fallen right into his trap, promptly laying down a Reactor card much to Eugene's horror. Vernon then informed Eugene that he was exterminated which was followed by a crash in the background as Reactor broke through Vernon's house wall, and vaporized Eugene in a beam of green light. Vernon then asked Reactor to "slap me some skin!" for defeating Eugene in the game, which Reactor did so by smacking Vernon across the room
- Nació el 18 de febrero de 1998 en Nueva York, EE.UU; a la edad de 6 años, justo antes de entrar a la escuela primaria, se mudo con su familia a Corea del Sur. En su casa hablaban tanto coreano como inglés por lo que domina ambos idiomas con fluidez desde muy pequeño. Fue reclutado por su compañía en la estación de metro en frente de su escuela, cuando estaba en su primer año de secundaria. Luego de haber pasado la audición, fue aprendiz durante aproximadamente 4 años. Vernon dice que mientras más practicaba, más crecía su sueño de ser un artista.
- Vernons names consist of the word "Vernon" and a distinguishing feature (for example: Can-be-squished-like-a-bug vernon). Here is a list of just a few names: 1. Limp Vernon 2. False-named Vernon 3. Barkeep Vernon 4. One-eyed Vernon: 5. Tormented Vernon: 6. Hunch-backed Vernon 7. French Vernon 8. Annoying Vernon 9. Stupid Vernon 10. Magic Vernon 11. Sneaky Vernon 12. Kind-Hearted Vernon 13. Rotting Vernon 14. Wee Vernon 15. Medium Sized Vernon 16. Big Vernon 17. Not-as-big-as-medium-sized-Vernon-but-bigger-than-wee Vernon Vernon 18. Crazy Vernon 19. Un-Potty Trained Vernon 20. Lazy Vernon 21. Ticklish Vernon 22. Know-it-all Vernon 23. Granny Vernon: 24. Greedy Vernon: 25. Grand pappy Vernon: 26. Patsy Vernon: 27. Barbaric Vernon: 28. Crabby Vernon 29. Chef Vernon 30. Naturalistic Vernon 31.