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- Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) was an English philospher, physicist, mathematician, and historian. As a philosopher Hobbes contemplated the nature of reasoning, sensation, imagination, and signification. He is considered to have been an empiricist, a nominalist, and a materialist, the latter particularly contrasting his philosophy with that of Aristotle. Hobbes agreed with Aristotle, however, that reliable knowledge is gained through reason and an understanding of the relationship of cause and effect.
- Thomas Hobbes is a Human hating psychopath in England.
- Thomas Hobbes (Tommaso Obeso) è uno stimato filosofo che, insieme a Cartesio, stimola i giovini intelletti al quarto anno di liceo. Lo scopo della sua filosofia è porre i fondamenti di una comunità ordinata e pacifica; a sentir lui, l'unico modo per riuscirci era seminare il terrore e controllare le masse con un pugno di ferro. Finalmente un filosofo che aveva capito tutto.
- Thomas Hobbes (5 April 1588 – 4 December 1679) was an English philosopher, remembered today for his work on political philosophy. His 1651 book Leviathan established the foundation for most of Western political philosophy from the perspective of social contract theory.
- Thomas Hobbes ou Hobbs selon l'orthographe de l'époque est le philosophe anglais le plus détesté par René Descartes, encore lui! qui a son nom dans le livre des records du célèbre brasseur irlandais du XVIIème siècle pour avoir vécu juqu'à l'âge de 91 ans. Il a un secret ce mec, c'est sûr! en vous racontant sa vie, je vais vous expliquez pourquoi, vous allez comprendre.Tout singes que vous êtes. D'abord il faut prononcer son nom d'un seul coup Hobbs et non Hobbesse et encore moins zobbes attention aux dyslexiques!
- Nobody cares that Hobbes was born in Malmesbury in 1588; it's this kind of trivia filling up your cranium that makes it really hard to remember where you left your keys. Hobbes received his education at Oxford University in England, where he poured over obtuse tomes written by even older dead white men, most of whom had several Awards Of Achievement. Hobbes traveled to other European countries several times to meet with scientists and to study different forms of government in the hopes of furthering his ego-maniacal mission of cementing his name into History. During his time outside of England, Hobbes became interested in why people allowed themselves to be ruled and how to best get in on the action in his homeland. In 1651, Hobbes wrote his most famous work, entitled Leviathan. In it, he
- Thomas Hobbes, Rear Admiral, is a commander of a small detachment of rogue Imperial Navy Special Forces, that absconded with a large quantity of Imperial military equipment. Adm. Hobbes traded most of the military equipment, including 30 AT-AT walkers, to the Black Dawn Syndicate in return for able bodied slaves to be uses as laborers in a ship yard. Hobbes designed numerous ships which were produced by his laborers, but few made it onto market due to economic difficulties with production, and slave rebellions and sabotage.
- Thomas Hobbes - filozof angielski (1588—1679), podróżował po Francji i Włoszech, po powrocie wydał tłumaczenie Tucydydesa (1628). W ponownej podróży poznał się z Descartesem. Napisał: „De cive” (1642) i „Leviathan” (1651), który zawiera naukę o państwie i krytyczne rozprawy przeciw kościołowi. „De corpore” (1655), „De homine” (1658), „Behemoth, or the Long Parliament” (wyd. 1889), „Opera philosophica” (1668, 4 t.). Thomas Hobbes: “Lewiatan czyli materia, forma i władza państwa kościelnego i świeckiego”: