| - Since their initial contact with Sanctuary over 1000 years ago, the Nemoni have taken lessons learned from those encounters and altered their philosophy regarding visitors to their home planet. Images of entire tree cities burning to the ground, infrastructure blown to pieces by offworlders refusing to obey traffic control directives, and hundreds of thousands of deaths burn bright in their memories to this day. To that end, the Nemoni came to the conclusion that continued interaction with the rest of the galaxy would require the adoption of protective measures to ensure that the tragedies of the past would not be repeated. With the exception of areas built specifically to cater to them, Humongi are not permitted anywhere else on Nemonus. Several of the major cities have constructed areas to cater to those wishing to visit the planet, each equipped with a shuttle service that is the only means of getting onto or of of the planet. The shuttles rendezvous with an orbiting space station, simply titled Harmony, that serves as the planetary spaceport. Here the Nemoni have built sufficient docking facilities to service a large number of visitors. Offworlders arriving into Nemonus orbit see quickly how the Nemoni have ensured that Harmony is the only means of getting to the planet. A large network of automated gunstars surround the planet, arranged in such a manner that any ship without clearance approaching within range will be targetted by no less than 4 gunstars. The Nemoni have taken no chances: Any ship that approaches into that range is immediately obliterated. Once they have targetted a vessel, the gunstars can not be disengaged.