| - The Zerg are one of the three dominant races of the Koprulu Sector originating from planet Zerus. As the end of Kerrigan's infection, it was revealed that Zerg was turned back into their original and primitive form; the Primal Zerg because of Xel'naga alters the race.
- The Zerg, (also known as "The Swarm") are a terrifying and ruthless amalgamation of biologically advanced, arthropoidal aliens. Dedicated to the pursuit of genetic perfection, the zerg relentlessly hunt down and assimilate advanced species across the galaxy. Incorporating useful genetic code into their own, they exterminate any species that might corrupt the purity of the zerg genome.
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* Alles. Ja richtig! Ihr habt skill und seid teamfähig? Dann bewerbt Euch bei uns
- The Zerg are an inscectoid species that infest worlds. They are considered really, really,really,really,really, bad by the Terrans and the Protoss. They were created by the Xel'Naga. (Starcraft franchise: "Starcraft")
- Gli Zerg sono una razza di creature con sembianze in parti rettili e in parte insettoidi del videogioco di strategia in tempo reale Starcraft, dediti alla continua ricerca di specie da assimilare nella loro società, lo Sciame, e governati da un inquietante essere intelligente, l'Unica Mente, che controlla ogni singolo Zerg presente nell'universo.
- Zergi to bardzo stara rasa, której Xel'Naga pomogli ewoluować. Od wieków prowadzą wojnę z Protosami i Terranami. Niedawno też wykryli wszechświat Matoran i przygotowują się do inwazji. Obecnie Zergi są dowodzone przez Kerrigan.
- Der Zerg Schwarm ist eine schreckliche und gnadenlose Vereinigung von biologisch überlegenen, insektenartigen Xenos. Der genetischen Perfektion verschrieben, jagen und assimilieren die Zerg unerbittlich alle höheren Spezies der Galaxie, um die erbeutete Erbsubstanz in ihre eigene DNA einzufügen. Der Name "der Schwarm" spielt auf ihre Fähigkeit schnell Stränge erzeugen zu können, und auf die unerbittlichen Angriffen, welche sie verwenden um ihre Feinde zu überwältigen an.
- For example, "Could you remember to spread aggro, because the priest keeps getting zerged when he heals you?" Normally, based on the Zergling Rush origins, the term application would be to sudden, speedy, surprise assaults to key elements (healers, flags, etc) by whatever sources are closest, likely few in number (at least initially) but has somehow reached a basic meaning of "big group winning" or "overpowering group" outside StarCraft, possibly from the initial attack group swarms in WSG openings.
- For example, "Could you remember to spread aggro, because the priest keeps getting zerged when he heals you?" Normally, based on the Zergling Rush origins, the term application would be to sudden, speedy, surprise assaults to key elements (healers, flags, etc) by whatever sources are closest, likely few in number (at least initially) but has somehow reached a basic meaning of "big group winning" or "overpowering group" outside StarCraft, possibly from the initial attack group swarms in WSG openings.
- The Zerg Swarm is a terrifying and ruthless amalgamation of biologically advanced, arthropodal aliens. Dedicated to the pursuit of genetic perfection, the zerg relentlessly hunt down and assimilate advanced species across the galaxy, incorporating useful genetic code into their own. They are named "the Swarm" per their ability to rapidly create strains, and the relentless assaults they employ to overwhelm their foes.