| - Kitchen: Real & Raunchy is a 2003 American adult animated action comedy film written, produced and directed by Ralf Hat, and based on Kitchen series. In the film, the notorious isolated town of Mountain Creek soon becomes the leading spot for a global terrorism plot, in which only Bucket Head, Pants, and Chuck are aware about. The film was first idealized during the second season of the series, which at that time, aired on the FOX broadcasting network. However, after being cancelled by the channel and being revived on SPEED a week later, production of the film was set back up for a year. The film criticizes and mocks the bias of US politics, social life, war and negatively ridicules the American media. Kitchen: Real & Raunchy received the R rating by the Motion Picture Association of Ameri
| - Kitchen: Real & Raunchy is a 2003 American adult animated action comedy film written, produced and directed by Ralf Hat, and based on Kitchen series. In the film, the notorious isolated town of Mountain Creek soon becomes the leading spot for a global terrorism plot, in which only Bucket Head, Pants, and Chuck are aware about. The film was first idealized during the second season of the series, which at that time, aired on the FOX broadcasting network. However, after being cancelled by the channel and being revived on SPEED a week later, production of the film was set back up for a year. The film criticizes and mocks the bias of US politics, social life, war and negatively ridicules the American media. Kitchen: Real & Raunchy received the R rating by the Motion Picture Association of America in the United States, for strong graphic violence and language throughout, sexual content and graphic nudity. The film was released in theaters on June 15, 2003, and held positive reviews from film critics and was a box office success, grossing $90.6 million. The film was released in theaters on June 15, 2003, and on home video on October 5, 2003. It made its network premiere on SPEED on August 19, 2006.