| - School's Out on musiikki joka avataan Surprise Exam-random eventissä. right Luokka:Musiikit en:School's Out
- "School's Out" is a song that appears in The Suite Life of Zack & Cody in one episode, "Band in Boston". It is performed by Rock Squared composed of Zack, Cody, Max, and Tapeworm.
- "School's Out" is a song by Alice Cooper {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- Русское название: Выдаёт: Локация: Цель: Условия провала: Награда: Доступ к: Доступна после: Категория:МиссииКатегория:Миссии в GTA AdvanceКатегория:Миссии (Циско) «School's Out» — третья миссия в Grand Theft Auto: Advance, которую протагонисту Майку выдаёт лидер колумбийского картеля Циско в здании в Аспатрии, Стонтон-Айленд, Либерти-Сити.
- School's Out – misja w Grand Theft Auto Advance, trzecia dla Cisco.
- Go to the Dental Clinic and destroy a special antenna broadcasting private information about the builders. Good things to use for this objective are molotovs and IEDs.
- School's Out is a song written and recorded by Alice Cooper for his fifth album School's Out (1972).
- School's Out - to piosenka wykonana przez Kyrę Christiaan i znajduje się na ścieżce dźwiękowej pierwszego sezonu - Shake It Up: Break It Down. Utwór ten został wykorzystany w niektórych letnich reklamach Disney Channel. W dniu 22 czerwca Disney Channel Benelux udostępniło teledysk Sity Vermeulen, która zaśpiewała cover piosenki, na 20 dni przed premierą ścieżki dźwiękowej "Shake It Up: Break It Down". Cover zachowuje oryginalne wokale w tle z wersji Kyry Christiaan. Hawajski remiks piosenki został puszczony w odcinku "Obóz Taneczny".
- School's Out is the pilot episode of Crazy Wars: Fun In The Sun
- School's Out is the second single by American-Canadian male trio Trio3. Featuring guest appearences from Austin Greyhound and Rapsta Chik. The song leaked in early August, and was released later that month. It is the second single from the trio's debut album Three.
- School's Out is a mission in Grand Theft Auto Advance, given to protagonist Mike by Colombian Cartel leader Cisco from a building in Aspatria on Staunton Island, Liberty City.
- "School's Out" is the hit title track on Alice Cooper's fifth album and is arguably the musician's most famous song. Alice Cooper performed the song as the closing number in episode 307 of The Muppet Show, backed by the Vile Bunch (Chopped Liver, Silver Beak, Flower-Eating Monster, a drummer, and a guitarist). Cooper, who was dressed in a graduation cap and gown, was also surrounded by a group of full-bodied , including a Mutation, Timmy, Mean Mama, Doglion, and Sweetums, who were all dressed variously to appear like students. For example, Mean Mana worse a varsity letter on her chest and carried pom-poms; and the Mutation wore his hair in a ponytail.
- Officially, the 'Signature' line and its early sublines are without names. The first of these sublines came to be call 'Basic' by the fandom. Then an entirely new subline was released a year later. Between the 2010 and 2011 'Signature' sets, five characters are shared. To be able to distinguish between them, the fandom thought up the name 'School's Out' for the second subseries due to a caption accompanying the first photos that reached the fandom. The term 'Basic' was reserved for the first subline and the three non-repeated characters of 'School's Out'. It has become practice among the fans to refer to any doll representing a character's default look as 'Basic', and identify repeat characters by the (sub)line's proper designation. Since this practice is inconsistent and therefor difficul