| - Abyssal brother of Largo the Black Lion. Formerly of the name Kajra, and a warrior of the Desert Lion Tribe. Banished when he was 18. He goaded Largo into a berserker rage during his Exaltation, killing a large number of the Desert Lions. He then convinced the Desert Lions that Largo was a murderer and forced the Solar into exile. Later, the party would spot him traveling with a pair of other Abyssals, who would clash with the party several times until the party finally managed to kill one of their number. Howl would next be seen in the pits of the Gem Coliseum, competing in the pentannual tournament for the manse's Hearthstone for unknown reasons. Largo and Howl challenged each other in the final round, and Largo would walk away the victor. Howl was very skilled with an axe and acquired a Grand Grimcleaver from his master, the First and Forsaken Lion. He was a powerful combatant specializing in defense and making single devastating attacks, not unlike Largo. He wore the Lion's Plate, the armor of the former Admiral Arcadi, using the Solar-aspected hearthstone of his tomb to power the suit.