| - Sojourner was the first successfully landed mars rover. It was deployed from the Mars Pathfinder, and landed on July 4, 1997. It was designed for 7 sols (7 days) but actually lasted for 83 sols (85 days). All communications were lost on 27 September 1997. It traveled about 100 metres, when the communications were lost. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Le site d'atterrissage de Sojourner le 4 juillet 1997, baptisé Carl Sagan Memorial Station, fut préservé par la Société de Préservation de l'Histoire de Mars. (ENT: "Terra Prime") Le robot Sojourner apparaît dans le générique de Star Trek: Enterprise.
- thumb|Sojourner neben seinem Denkmal auf dem Mars Sojourner ist ein kleiner Roboter, der zu Forschungszwecken im 20. Jahrhundert von der Erd-Organisation NASA zum Mars geschickt wird, wo er am 4. Juli 1997 landet. Er soll Kenntnisse über die Bodenbeschaffenheit erlangen und nach Spuren von Leben suchen. Diese Mission gilt als Meilenstein in der Erforschung des Mars, weswegen im 22. Jahrhundert an der Landestelle des Sojourner die Carl-Sagan-Gedenkstätte an dieses Ereignis erinnert. (ENT: )
- The rover landed in 1997, and the location was named the Carl Sagan Memorial Station; by 2155, a monument stood in the location and was classed as a Mars Heritage Site. (ENT: "Demons") Footage of Sojourner driving up to Yogi Rock, taken by Mars Pathfinder, was featured in the opening credits of Star Trek: Enterprise. It has been claimed that this is the first instance of footage from another planet making it into a tv series or film. [1] In the final draft script of "Terra Prime", the fact that the Sojourner was from the ENT opening credits was noted and the vehicle, as depicted in the events of the episode, was said to look "dusty and motionless among familiar red rocks."
- Sojourner thumb|Sojourner.Sojourner es el hijo de Spectre y el padre de Thunderhawk. Como miembro de la Brotherhood of Guardians, después de su mandato como guardián de Angel Island, ha luchado muchas veces contra la Dark Legion. Siguiendo la mayor ofensiva del Doctor Eggman contra la isla, en la que Sojourner luchó junto a varios otros miembros de la hermandad para defender la Master Emerald, que fue estudiada por el Doctor Finitevus Finitevus y luego desterrado a la Twilight Zone. en: Sojourner Categoría:Esbozos Categoría:Personajes de la Pre-Super Genesis Wave Categoría:Equidnas Categoría:Héroes Categoría:Masculino
- Sojourner is a Mobian Echidna, the son of Spectre and father of Thunderhawk. While not known for any outstanding achievements during his tenure as Guardian, as a member of the Brotherhood of Guardians Sojourner has fought many times against the Dark Legion during Knuckles time in as Guardian of Angel Island. Following the invasion of Angel Island by the Eggman Empire, Sojourner fought alongside the rest of the Brotherhood to fend off against a horde of Egg Pawns seeking to steal the Master Emerald. Following the battle, Sojourner and the rest of the Brotherhood were captured and studied by Dr. Finitevus before he sent them to the Twilight Zone.
- Our dear leader, Lord of the republic, King of pigs: His holiness SOJOURNER the first and only Leader of The Last Republic. Logos is a medium sized, mostly developed, and ancient nation at 1415 days old with citizens primarily of Mixed ethnicity whose religion is Shinto. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Logos work diligently to produce Aluminum and Pigs as tradable resources for their nation. It is an aggressive country that some say has an itch for war. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. The military of Logos has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug t
- Sojourner is the name of the first publicly known Artificial Intelligence. The name Sojourner is derived from the 19th century abolitionist and women's' rights activist Sojourner Truth. However, Sojourner is referred to as "he" and "him", identifying with the male gender.