| - Red Red Rising is the seventh stage in the Volcano world and the sixty-second stage overall in Donkey Kong Country Returns and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D.
- The level begins with the Kongs landing on a floor. Ahead, there are two molten objects attached to a propeller that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely. At the very edge of this floor, there is another molten object attached to a propeller that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely. The Kongs should now look ahead (they should be at the right edge of this floor). Huh? You mean there's nothing but a gap of lava?! Suddenly, you hear a bubbly noise and see bubbles appearing in the lava. A platform then shoots out of the lava followed by another smaller platform! Well, this doesn't always happen this way, however, once the first platform appears out of the lava, the Kongs should jump on it. Now before this platform carries the Kongs into the lava with it and makes some good "breakfast" out of them, they should jump onto the next, smaller platform that just shot of the lava. Here, right before this platform shoots out of the lava, another bubble appears in the lava and a platform shoots out of it. The Kongs should quickly jump onto this platform. Before this platform falls into the lava, another platform shoots out of the lava ahead after creating a bubble in the lava.The Kongs should jump to this next platform. Here, another platform holding the letter K of the K-O-N-G Letters appears immediately after the Kongs land on this platform to the left. The Kongs can jump onto this platform to their left to collect the letter K. From here, the Kongs can jump onto another platform further on that just jumped out of the lava. Here, the Kongs can jump onto a large platform that fell from the sky earlier. This platform is tilting to the right (it's left edge is pointing upwards), slowly sinking into the lava. A thin, stationary platform with a Banana Coin above it is just after this tilting platform, however, a secret is said to be just before this large, tilting platform. If the Kongs look at the pool of lava to their left, they should wait until they notice a bubble in the lava that appears closest to this platform they are on. When they see the bubble, the Kongs can prepare to jump and hover over this area where the bubble is. If timed correctly, a platform will shoot out of the lava. It shoots high enough to carry the Kongs over its spot into a hidden Bonus Room. Don't worry, we all got confused with that Bonus Room. That is the trickiest Puzzle Piece to find in the level (my opinion), according to what most other players say. Anyway, from this large, tilting platform, the Kongs should jump onto the thin, stationary platform with the Banana Coin above it before the tilting platform carries the heroes into the lava along with it. Here, the Kongs should wait for more bubbles. Soon, a first and third platform shoot out of the lava, followed by the second and fourth platform of this area. So, the Kongs could easily jump onto the first platform, then jump onto the third platform, then jump their next target, a basalt platform resembling the big basalt platforms in Bobbing Basalt. Three Bananas are above this big basalt platform, just so you know. Also, the base of this basalt platform is red, meaning it is molten. Anyway, the Kongs could also jump from the first platform to the second, third and fourth before they jump onto this big basalt platform with the three Bananas above it (this platform is not directly giant, however, it is still wider than most basalt platforms in Bobbing Basalt). Either route takes the Kongs to the same destination. Anyway, on this "big" basalt platform, there is another identical basalt platform ahead, however, a Flaming Tiki Buzz flies between the two platforms. This basalt platform the Kongs are on slowly sinks into the lava. So, when the Flaming Tiki Buzz is not in the way, before the apes become "toast", the Kongs should jump to this identical basalt platform. This platform is exactly like the previous; it even has three Bananas above it! This platform also slowly sinks into the lava when stepped on. To save themselves (and an Extra Life Balloon), the Kongs should jump onto a basalt platform that resembles one of the last three basalt platforms in Bobbing Basalt. It also has three Bananas above it, as well as a red, molten base. Here, another basalt platform identical to the previous two basalt platforms can be seen ahead, however, a Flaming Tiki Buzz flies up and down between the two platforms. This basalt platform the apes are on is slowly sinking into the lava. So, when the Flaming Tiki Buzz flies out of the way, the heroes should immediately jump onto the next basalt platform, which also has three Bananas above it. Here, the Kongs can jump to a safe rock platform ahead, however, there is another Flaming Tiki Buzz blocking the Kongs from doing so since it is flying up and down. This basalt platform the Kongs are on is sinking into the lava, slowly. The Kongs should wait for the Flaming Tiki Buzz to fly out of the way. When it does so, the heroes should immediately jump onto the safe platform. A molten object attached to a propeller is here, and it can be blown on for a collectible, most likely. Anyway, ahead of the Kongs is nothing but a pool of lava too large to cross with Diddy's hover jet. Suddenly, two bubbles appear in the lava. Two small platforms shoot out of the lava as a result from the bubbles appearing in the lava. The Kongs should jump onto the first platform, then the second one. Right before this platform the apes are on falls into the lava, another platform shoots out of the lava, followed by a second, smaller one. The Kongs should jump onto this next platform, then onto the smaller one after it. Before this platform the Kongs are on falls into the lava, a last platform shoots out of the lava. The Kongs can jump here. On this platform, the heroes can then jump onto a safe platform with the Tutorial Pig hosting the first and only checkpoint in the level. The Kongs can activate the checkpoint and move to this platform's right edge. Here, the Kongs can see two basalt platforms resembling one of the last three basalt platforms in Bobbing Basalt. The first basalt platform is taller than the second, however, both of the two platforms have a slightly molten base. The Kongs can jump onto the first basalt platform, causing it to sink. Since nothing is in the way, the heroes can then jump onto the second basalt platform. A slightly wider basalt platform can be seen ahead, however, a Flaming Tiki Buzz flies between the two platforms. This basalt platform is slowly sinking into the lava. So what do we do?! Blow that Flaming Tiki Buzz and jump on it! Well, we could but it all depends. We poison it! We smoke on it! We drug it! We sit on it! *Sigh*, when will they learn...Anyway, the Kongs should wait for the Flaming Tiki Buzz to fly out of the way. When it does so, they can jump onto this slightly wider basalt platform. A slight earthquake happens (it is not large enough to cause damage or send the apes into the air). Shortly after this slight earthquake, the lava begins to rise beneath the Kongs. Right before it covers up the platform the Kongs are on completely, a large rock platform to the right comes out of the wall "to save the day". The Kongs should carefully jump onto this platform, for if they jump at the wrong part, they can end up hitting the underside of this platform and fall into the rising lava. Totally not cool, dude! Anyway, on this next platform, the heroes can jump on a thin basalt platform above them slightly to their left. This basalt platform has not been featured in Bobbing Basalt or any other Volcano level. The platform is as thin as those small rectangular platforms that are fairly common. One must look really hard to tell it is made up of basalt. Also, one of these basalt platforms can be seen in the picture above. Anyway, as they jump here, there is another large rock platform that moves out of the wall above them slightly to the right. The Kongs can jump here. A large rock platform above the Kongs slightly to the left breaks off the wall and falls to a point where the apes can safely jump onto it. This rock platform has a higher part of floor attached to its end. So, the Kongs can jump onto this rock platform and then jump onto its higher part of floor. Here, a platform moves out of the wall above the Kongs slightly to the right. The Kongs should not jump to this platform until it is out of the wall completely. Well, how can you tell when it is finished coming out of the wall? When this platform is done coming out of the wall, a thin basalt platform appears above the platform the Kongs are on. It has three Bananas above it. So, when this platform has appeared above the platform the heroes are on, they can bounce/high bounce off the Tiki Buzz between these two rock platforms (the one the Kongs are on and the one that is coming out of the wall and land here). Here, the Kongs can high bounce on the Tiki Buzz above them to reach another thin basalt platform above that Tiki Buzz. Here, the Kongs can jump to a thinner basalt platform above them slightly to their left. The Kongs can then jump to another thin basalt platform above them slightly to their left. Their is a rock ceiling above the Kongs. A secret is here. Before the rock ceiling reveals it clearly, the heroes can obtain it by simply jumping into the wall below the rock ceiling above them to their left. If done correctly, the apes will notice that they've collected a Puzzle Piece. The heroes can then land back onto the thin basalt platform they came from. The rock ceiling above the Kongs separates and moves out of the way. Three more thin basalt platforms appear, each one a bit higher than the other slightly to the right. The Kongs should jump to the first thin basalt platform above them, slightly to the right. They can then jump onto the second thin basalt platform above them slightly to the right. The Kongs can then jump onto the third thin basalt platform while a large part of the wall falls above it. A brown, stick-like basalt platform sticks out this wall, which the Kongs can jump onto as soon as the large part of the wall falls. Here, the Kongs can jump up to a thin, basalt platform. The wall that fell with the basalt platform the apes just jumped on breaks apart. Above the Kongs, there is a large area full of thin, basalt platforms. But do you know what it is also full of? GASP! IT'S THOSE ODD-MOVING FIREBALLS AGAIN!!! THEY'VE RETURNED!!! WHAT DO WE DO?!! WHAT DO WE DO?!! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!! The odd moving Fireballs travel in their zig-zaglike pattern horizontally across the screen, crashing into the wall on the right. So, as the apes climb these many thin basalt platforms, they can jump over any nearing Fireballs. If a Fireball is coming close above them, the Kongs should not jump to a platform until the Fireball has passed them. Also found in this large area of thin basalt platforms, there are Bananas, the letter O, and a Banana Coin on a platform below the last platform in this area slightly to the left. To get the letter O, the Kongs should jump over any nearing Fireballs and jump to the platform with the letter on it. Once the apes reach the last platform with this letter, which is the one above the one with the Banana Coin on it slightly to the right, they can not only find a circular candle that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely, but they can jump up to a platform above them slightly to the right. Here, to the left and right of the Kongs, there is a large basalt platform that has not been featured in Bobbing Basalt. The two large basalt platforms are in the wall (most likely) and are positioned horizontally. Soon, the two large basalt platforms move out of the wall and near the Kongs. These platforms probably pass over the basalt platform the Kongs are on, so just in case they do, the heroes should move down to the closest platform beneath them and wait until these basalt platforms move back into the wall. When the basalt platforms return back into the wall, the heroes should jump back onto the platform they were just on. Now here, readers who are reading and playing at the same time should pause the game. Okay, above the Kongs, there are two, even larger basalt platforms positioned horizontally that should be in the wall (one on the left, one on the right). However, these platforms are so long and large that a small portion of them sticks out of the wall. These basalt platforms after move forward, crash into each, other and return back into their places constantly. If the Kongs are on the thin basalt platform between these two, even larger basalt platforms when they are moving forward, the heroes can get crushed when they crash into each other, causing them to lose a Heart. A Banana Bunch is on top of the even larger basalt platform on the left, just so you know. Anyway, the Kongs should now unpause the game and quickly jump onto the part of the basalt platform on the left sticking out. Here, it won't be long before this basalt platform moves forward, along with the one to the right of it. A secret is here. If the Kongs jump onto the even larger basalt platform on the right while the one on the left is moving forward, they can find a Puzzle Piece on the far end it (the basalt platform on the right has the Puzzle Piece not the one on the left!). Also, a large basalt platform with a circular candle that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely, can be seen above the even larger basalt platform on the left, as well as another large basalt platform above that one slightly to the right, which is located above the even larger basalt platform on the right. If the player knows how to use speed wisely, they can simply roll-jump to the large basalt platform above the even larger one on the left. Now from here, the apes can roll-jump to the one above them slightly to the right. There, they can jump up to a thin basalt platform above them with a Tiki Goon on it and a Banana Bunch above its right side. But that's only for you speedy players. Now we're going to "rewind" all the way back to the even larger basalt platform on the right with the Puzzle Piece that should've already been collected. For you not so speedy players, the Kongs can let the basalt platform they are on head back into the wall and then let it come out forward again. While it is doing so, the heroes can move onto the even larger basalt platform on the left and jump onto the large basalt platform above it, which holds the circular candle. Here, the Kongs can let this platform go into the wall, dropping them onto the even larger basalt platform on the left. When this even larger basalt platform moves forward, the apes can jump onto the large basalt platform above them, and from there, they can then jump to the basalt platform above them slightly to the right. From there, the Kongs can then jump to the thin basalt platform above them with the Tiki Goon on it. Yeah, that method is long. The speedy method is more helpful due to the fact that the lava is still rising beneath the Kongs. And that surely is nothing good to forget (it's not good to forget the lava is rising)! Anyway, a large rock platform comes out of the wall on the left. This rock platform has a higher part of floor attached to its end. A Banana Bunch lies on the higher part of this rock platform while a Tiki Goon roams about on the lower part of it. The Kongs can jump onto this rock platform, jump over/defeat the Tiki Goon on it, and then climb onto the higher part of floor on this rock platform. Here, a rock platform breaks off the wall on the right and falls down a bit. When it has stopped falling, the Kongs can see the platform's surface, which has a higher part of floor on its end. Three Tiki Goons fall onto this rock platform. The Kongs can jump to this rock platform and jump over or bounce one by one on these Tiki Goons. While the heroes do so, two thin basalt platforms appear over the rock platform's higher part of floor; the second one being smaller than the first. After passing/jumping on the Tiki Goons, the heroes can jump onto the higher part of floor of this platform. They can then jump up to the first thin basalt platform. Here, the Kongs can jump up to the second basalt platform. Okay here, the heroes can see three thin basalt platforms with a space between each other above them slightly to their left, as well as a Banana Coin high above them. A Char-char occupies all three of these thin basalt platforms by bouncing left to right over all three platforms. Because the Char-char is bouncing from the first basalt platform to the third basalt platform and vice versa, the Kongs should wait for it to move off the thin basalt platform closest to them. When it does so, the apes can jump onto that thin basalt platform. A long rock platform comes out of the wall beneath the Kongs and the other two thin basalt platforms in front of them. If the Kongs watch this rock platform, they can notice that a Puzzle Piece is on it, The Kongs can simply jump over the Char-char and drop down to this rock platform to collect the Puzzle Piece. They can then jump up to the closest thin basalt platform. Another thin basalt platform is on the left wall above the Kongs slightly to the right. Since this platform is very close by, the Kongs can jump to it...before the Char-char has a chance to burn them. Here on this platform, the Kongs can jump up to another thin basalt platform above them slightly to the right that has three Bananas above it (even though only two Bananas can be seen from the platform the apes are on). Here, the Kongs can see the next thin basalt platform way on the other side of the screen (on the right wall) high above them. The only way to get up there is by high bouncing off the two Tiki Buzzes that are flying up and down in the ENORMOUS gap between these two thin basalt platforms. So, the Kongs should first wait for the first Tiki Buzz to fly downwards. When it does so, they can jump on it and high bounce off of it and move right onto the next Tiki Buzz, which should also be flying downwards. If the apes high bounce off the next Tiki Buzz and move right, they can hover onto the next thin basalt platform. Here, the apes can not only find three Bananas above this platform, but they can see a larger thin basalt platform above them slightly to the left, which has a Tiki Tank walking back and forth on it. Since the only way to land on this platform is by jumping onto its right edge, the heroes must wait for the Tiki Tank here to move away from this large, thin basalt platform's right edge. When it does so, the apes can carefully jump onto this platform. A platform with the letter N on it can be seen above the Kongs slightly to the left. To get the letter N, one must high bounce off the Tiki Tank and move left to reach the platform with it on. For the ones who have collected the letter N once already or who are not willing to collect it, the Kongs can jump from the large basalt platform with the Tiki Tank on it, onto a thin basalt platform above them slightly to the right. For the players who got the letter N and did not get the letter, the Kongs can jump to a platform above them slightly to the left (those who did not get the letter N) or right (those who got the letter N and are on the platform it was on), which holds two Bananas and a circular candle that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely, on it. Here, the Kongs can then jump up to a platform above them slightly to the right, which holds a Tiki Goon on it. Okay now, above the Kongs, there are two large basalt platforms positioned horizontally (one on the left, one on the right). These two large basalt platforms crash into each other when they move forward. There is a thin basalt platform between these two large basalt platforms. So, when these two basalt platforms move back into their places, the Kongs can jump onto the thin basalt platform in between them. From here, they can then jump and hover onto the large basalt platform in the wall on the left, since this one has a small portion that sticks out of the wall (the one on the right does not stick out of the wall). Here, when the basalt platform the Kongs are on moves forward, they can notice a thin piece of a basalt platform (not a thin basalt platform) near them from the wall on the right. Shortly after this, a large basalt platform on the wall on the left nears the Kongs. To save themselves from being crushed by these two approaching basalt platforms, the Kongs should jump on top of the nearing basalt platform on the right. Here, a basalt platform on the wall on the right can be seen, as well as a thin one (not a thin basalt platform) above the large basalt platform on the left. A Puzzle Piece can be seen below this thin basalt platform above the large basalt platform on the left. So, from this first thin basalt platform, which the apes are on, the Kongs can jump onto the large basalt platform to their left and then from their jump up to reach the Puzzle Piece. The basalt platforms are going back into their places. Quickly, the Kongs should jump onto the first thin basalt platform which they just jumped from. Here, all the Kongs must do is stand still, for when this basalt platform goes into the wall, it leaves a small portion of it sticking out. Now, when the basalt platform moves forward again, the Kongs can jump onto the large basalt platform above them slightly to the right, which has a Banana Bunch above it. From here, the apes can then jump onto the thin basalt platform (not the thin basalt platforms encountered before this area), which had the Puzzle Piece below it. Here, the Kongs can jump into a Barrel Cannon above the Kongs. OK readers who are reading and playing, pause the game once more. Above the Kongs, there is are many more Barrel Cannons, most positioned away from each other in a zig-zaglike pattern. This area is very difficult to explain how to get through due to the fact that the Kongs must shoot out of this area swiftly. Why? BECAUSE THE LAVA IS RISING EVEN FASTER THAN BEFORE!!! AHHHH!!!! So, from this Barrel Cannon the Kongs should fire into the next Barrel Cannon. From here, they shoot fire from the next Barrel Cannon to the next Barrel Cannon constantly. The second and third Barrel Cannons (the first one is the one the apes jumped into from the basalt platform) fire the apes into the walls, causing them to pour out harmless small spouts of lava. While getting through here, the apes can collect Bananas while flying into the next Barrel Cannon. Near the end of this area, the Kongs will end up in a Barrel Cannon where there are a line of Bananas travelling across the screen above them. The letter G is in this line, however, to reach it, the Kongs would have to fire from the Barrel Cannon with the line above it as soon as they land in it. After a couple more Barrel Cannon fires, the apes end up in a Barrel Cannon with the level's Slot Machine Barrel above it. The lava slows down from here. Anyway, when the apes fire into the Slot Machine Barrel, the level is complete! Cool! You beat a level with no DK Barrel! Ain't that a G thang ^_^! Just kidding.