| - Shango controls the realm of storms and he guards the secrets of lightning and mayhem. By channeling this powerful and often unpredictable Loa's fury, the shadow hunter throws the lightning bolt "stormspear".
- Shango is large and muscular, standing more than ten feet tall. He wears a set of ragged clothes and armor made of shell. His helmet is shaped like a conch and his arms seem to be sewed.
- Shango ist eine Loa (Urgott) der Trolle. Er reitet auf Wolken und beschwört Stürme über die Ungläubigen. Manche sagen, er sei nach Azeroth zurückgekehrt und würde im Schlingendorntal leben - was die unüblich starken Regenfälle in dieser Region erklären würde.
- File:Shango Edited Fury of Firestorm 95 2.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Shango (also known as Jakuta) is an Orisha. He is syncretized with either Saint Barbara or Saint Jerome. Shango is historically a royal ancestor of the Yoruba as he was the third Alafin (king) of the Oyo Kingdom prior to his posthumous deification.
- Shango contrôle le royaume des tempêtes et il garde les secrets de la foudre et du tonnerre. Par la canalisation de la fureur de ce Loa puissant et souvent imprévisible, le chasseurs des ombres peut jeter des éclairs. Catégorie:Troll Catégorie:Loas trolls Catégorie:Loas
- Shango is the navigator of the Masked Pirates and is very efficient in hand to hand combat.
- In the Yorùbá religion, Sàngó ( also spelled, Sango or Shango, often known as Xangô or Changó in Latin America and the Caribbean, and also known as Jakuta) is perhaps one of the most popular Orisha; also known as the divinity of thunder and lightning, Sango is historically a royal ancestor of the Yoruba as was the third king of the Oyo Kingdom prior to his post-humous deification. In the Lukumí (Olokun mi = "my dear one") religion of the Caribbean, Shango is considered the center point of the religion as he represents the Oyo people of West Africa, the symbolic ancestors of the adherents of the faith. All the major initiation ceremonies (as performed in Cuba, Puerto Rico and Venezuela for the last few hundred years) are based on the traditional Shango ceremony of Ancient Oyo. This ceremony