Morris was born to a poor family in a run down part of New York. His father was an abusive alcoholic and his mother ignorant. He eventually became a criminal. He befriended another young man in his neighborhood named Flint Marko, introducing him into a life of crime and pressured him into some of them. Both were eventually recruited to join a gang. is had been left behind and decided to go back to rescue him, both getting caught by Spider-Man and sent to prison. There they were visited by an OsCorp scientist who offered them a chance for freedom from prison, but were to be test subjects in some experiment. Bench was excited by the prospect while Flint was hesitant but eventually agreed so he could leave prison. Thinking it would help his family Flint finally decided to agree as well.
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| - Morris was born to a poor family in a run down part of New York. His father was an abusive alcoholic and his mother ignorant. He eventually became a criminal. He befriended another young man in his neighborhood named Flint Marko, introducing him into a life of crime and pressured him into some of them. Both were eventually recruited to join a gang. is had been left behind and decided to go back to rescue him, both getting caught by Spider-Man and sent to prison. There they were visited by an OsCorp scientist who offered them a chance for freedom from prison, but were to be test subjects in some experiment. Bench was excited by the prospect while Flint was hesitant but eventually agreed so he could leave prison. Thinking it would help his family Flint finally decided to agree as well.
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| - Morris was born to a poor family in a run down part of New York. His father was an abusive alcoholic and his mother ignorant. He eventually became a criminal. He befriended another young man in his neighborhood named Flint Marko, introducing him into a life of crime and pressured him into some of them. Both were eventually recruited to join a gang. is had been left behind and decided to go back to rescue him, both getting caught by Spider-Man and sent to prison. There they were visited by an OsCorp scientist who offered them a chance for freedom from prison, but were to be test subjects in some experiment. Bench was excited by the prospect while Flint was hesitant but eventually agreed so he could leave prison. Thinking it would help his family Flint finally decided to agree as well.
Arvad took them to his beachside laboratory where they met his assistant Mark Raxton. Arvad had gotten his hands on the DNA of the supervillain known as the Absorbing Man and used it to create a formula that would allow people to bond with inanimate elements. Unknown to Marko and Bench, Arvad did not have a great amount of funding and thus was only able to use the basic elements he had around him. He put them in pods that were filled with the gold fluid and then with sand in Marko's, and water in Bench's. One the pods Arvad initially thought that he had failed as only puddles of sand and water had remained, but a couple of hours later Flint and Morris had managed to reform themselves. Arvad saw that his experiment was a success and told his employer Norman Osborn about what happened. Norman then met with Flint and Morris, offering them positions as enforcers for OsCorp. Morris agreed, but Flint hesitated in agreeing until Norman said that they would be paid very handsomely for their surfaces. Thinking of his sister he eventually agreed. And thus Sandman and Hydroman became two of Norman's enforcers for a time, eventually engaging in a rivalry with two other super villains called Melter and Blizzard. Enforcers for a rival corporation called Hammer Industries.
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| - Transformation - Water: Hydro-Man possesses the ability to bodily transform himself, in whole or in part, into a watery liquid substance of unknown composition. While in this state, his consciousness can control every droplet that comprises his body. Thus he can will himself to turn liquid whenever struck.
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| - Morris was born to a poor family in a run down part of New York. His father was an abusive alcoholic and his mother ignorant. He eventually became a criminal. He befriended another young man in his neighborhood named Flint Marko, introducing him into a life of crime and pressured him into some of them. Both were eventually recruited to join a gang. is had been left behind and decided to go back to rescue him, both getting caught by Spider-Man and sent to prison. There they were visited by an OsCorp scientist who offered them a chance for freedom from prison, but were to be test subjects in some experiment. Bench was excited by the prospect while Flint was hesitant but eventually agreed so he could leave prison. Thinking it would help his family Flint finally decided to agree as well. Arvad took them to his beachside laboratory where they met his assistant Mark Raxton. Arvad had gotten his hands on the DNA of the supervillain known as the Absorbing Man and used it to create a formula that would allow people to bond with inanimate elements. Unknown to Marko and Bench, Arvad did not have a great amount of funding and thus was only able to use the basic elements he had around him. He put them in pods that were filled with the gold fluid and then with sand in Marko's, and water in Bench's. One the pods Arvad initially thought that he had failed as only puddles of sand and water had remained, but a couple of hours later Flint and Morris had managed to reform themselves. Arvad saw that his experiment was a success and told his employer Norman Osborn about what happened. Norman then met with Flint and Morris, offering them positions as enforcers for OsCorp. Morris agreed, but Flint hesitated in agreeing until Norman said that they would be paid very handsomely for their surfaces. Thinking of his sister he eventually agreed. And thus Sandman and Hydroman became two of Norman's enforcers for a time, eventually engaging in a rivalry with two other super villains called Melter and Blizzard. Enforcers for a rival corporation called Hammer Industries.